Page 32 of Saving Her
I frown, thinking about it. “Not that I know of. I mean, I also didn’t know he was betraying the club, so I suppose anything is possible. Why do you ask?”
“It’s something he said to me. King heard him,” she explains, motioning toward … my son. Jesus, that’s a trip. It’s going to take me time to come to terms with everything. Nicole is right, though. I should have done it before now and not tried to pretend it wasn’t happening.
“Is that what you meant when you said Nicole might have an idea?” I ask King.
He nods, staring at my woman like she’s an enigma that he will never understand. My lips stretch into a genuine smile. I could almost wish him good luck. Nicole is elusive. You will never be able to grasp what she’s going to do next. That’s part of her appeal. Life with her is anything but fucking boring.
“Something Lucky said to Nicole about you killing his father,” King says with a shrug.
“Actually, he said he was going to do to you what you did to his father,” Nicole interjects.
“Well fuck, that could be any number of people,” I argue.
“True, but if you put those words along with Irish’s picture …” I look up at Dom and frown.
“So, all of this could be because of that fucker screwing with me again after all these years? Jesus Christ, can’t old ghosts just die?”
“We don’t have proof, but I think it’s something you should think about and maybe have your tech guy do what they do.”
“Do what they do?” I repeat, grinning at Nicole.
I bend down and press my lips against hers briefly. “I love you, Mama,” I murmur.
“I love you,” she answers, her hand sliding under my shirt so that her fingers caress my stomach.
“You keep touching me like that, woman, and we’re going back to that tiny ass bed.”
“You say that like you think I won’t agree?—”
“Mom, Dad, you’re embarrassing us,” T whines, making us both laugh.
“Living with them growing up should have scarred me for life,” Dom adds, walking over to King.
“Maybe that’s why you’ve been such an asshole,” King suggests. I watch the interaction carefully. I’m not sure how all this is going to pan out, but I know my family is trying to accept King. It will be up to him if he accepts it.
“Thea argues that I was just born that way,” Dom responds, not taking offense at all. In fact, he’s smiling.
“Could be a family trait,” King baits.
“I’d take offense to that, but since you’re family, I can’t really.”
“I’m not family,” King denies at once, his body tensing.
“You are, whether you want to admit it or not. I should have welcomed you sooner. I just kind of hated you.”
“I’m used to the hate,” King shrugs.
“Yeah, well, all I saw when I looked at you was the man my brother picked over me. That shit stung.”
I clear my throat. “Would it be possible for us to have the conference room for a bit?” I address Hangman.
“Sure,” he agrees, and everyone disburses. Hangman walks up to where King and Dom are standing. “When you’re ready, I can tell you more about your mother and what happened to her. You never have to take me up on the offer, but if you want to, you know where to find me.”
“You knew my mother?”
“Mavis had a long history with several clubs. She tended to leave chaos wherever she went.”