Page 45 of Saving Her
“Let me up and fight me like a man!” Lucky yells.
“I would, but you’re not a man. Hell, you’re not even a mouse. Say hello to your father for me, Lucky,” Dragon growls.
He walks off and everyone else does, too. I glance over my shoulder and see Skull and Bull taking out their grief on Lucky. Viper and Hangman have already snapped Demon’s neck and are throwing him in the trailer.
“Are we sure the fire will be hot enough and kill them all?” I ask.
Dom and T turn around to look at me. “We rigged it with the natural gas. Nothing will survive the explosion that will rock that trailer, trust me,” Dom explains. I nod.
“Breaker’s probably dead,” I murmur.
“Yeah. Bull knows, but he’s not going to give up hope.”
“You going to tell your woman?”
“I’ll be honest but make sure she knows there’s a chance. Breaker is my best friend. If anyone could survive this, he could. Besides those guys back there are idiots.”
“That’s for d-d-damn sure,” T adds.
I let out a breath. “What about Eyeball?”
“We’ll keep an eye out for him, but on that one, Hangman is taking lead. The only reason our clubs was on his radar was because of Lucky. I think you’re right, Lucky was pulling all the strings,” Dragon says.
“Yeah, Eyeball has just enough brains to be dangerous, but not enough to pull his thumb out of his ass to think about what he does.”
A few of the men chuckle around us.
“We’ll all head back home and meet back up for Diego’s funeral. Some of us will be coming down to look for Breaker, but that pretty much ends your guys part in this. I appreciate your help,” Dragon says. “T, you coming back or leaving out tonight?”
“I’m going to head out. M-M-Missing Lyla and Tamsin.”
I watch as Dragon walks over and embraces his son. If Mom hadn’t made the choices she had, would that be me? Why the fuck do I even care enough to think about it? Shit, I need a drink.
“What about you, King?”
“I’m going to head back. I need some shit I need to sort out.”
Dragon walks over to me and if he hugs me, I’m liable to deck him. Instead, he claps his hand down on my shoulder. “I’ve been a dick, but I hope you’ll give us time to get to know one another. I know I can never be a father to you, not after all this time. I hope, though, that you’ll let me be a friend someday. I’m here if you ever need anything, King. I mean that and I don’t make the promise lightly.” I don’t know what to say. Anything that comes to mind feels wrong. So, I just remain silent. Dragon sighs but looks resigned. “You guys head on out. Me and Torch will watch over our men until they’re ready to leave.”
I start up my bike and pull out, following the others. I can’t resist looking over my shoulder at Dragon and I admit, it unnerves me to find he’s staring straight at me.
Fucking hell.
Chapter 30
One Week Later
I walk into the chapel, feeling completely out of place. It has been a week since we left North Carolina. I came back home to an empty house and my divorce finalized. How she managed to get a divorce through in three business days, I don’t know. Turns out, I just had to sign the agreement she served with the divorce petition, send it back and they attached that to a decree and had the judge sign it. It doesn’t take that much time, I guess, when a respected nurse in the community wants to kick a worthless biker to the curb and marry one of the boys in blue.
I’m only a little bitter.
I was actually glad to come to Kentucky for Rock’s funeral. I don’t like the reason we’re here, but I’d definitely rather be here than in Virginia. It has become so hard being there that although I told Ford I was going to stay for the month to help him get caught up on shit, I’m traveling back to North Carolina from here. I’m not saying the woman has run me out of town, but the memories are definitely hard to take.
I look over at T and Lyla. T is a mess. Apparently, he and Diego were kind of tight at one time. I slap him on the back. “You look almost as uncomfortable as I feel here, T.”
“Not quite. You look like you’re afraid you’re going to b-b-burst into flames,” he responds, making me smile.