Page 5 of Saving Her
My body tenses as I hear doors opening somewhere. Gabby and I slip to the corner away from the door. I look around the room for any type of weapon. Sadly, there’s nothing here but the mattress. I scope the room out a little more but force myself to stop as the door opens.
A man comes in first, his dark hair long and greasy. His face scarred and though I’m a firm believer that doesn’t make a man ugly—this man is ugly in a way that you know it’s the hideousness of his insides showing on his outward appearance. He’s got beady brown eyes, and the smirk on his face makes fear spark inside of me. I tap it down. I’m Dragon’s wife and the mother of his children. I won’t show fear. I can’t allow myself to.
“How are you ladies liking your new accommodations?” he sneers.
Another man follows him. I could read their names on their patches—the first being Eyeball and the other being Squaller. That’s not what makes me worry, however. Dragon never spoke about individual names much unless it was allies. He did, however, talk about the Feral Kings MC—which is who their cuts say their club is. That fear I tried to tap down becomes almost impossible to hold in. In fact, it threatens to overtake me. My knees are weak as the emotion swamps me. Two things keep me from succumbing and falling down to the harsh floor beneath my feet. The first being the way Gabby lets out a terrifying whimper. I reach over and grab her hand. She squeezes mine so tightly it’s painful. I’m not sure what happened to her while I was knocked out, but I get the feeling something did. The second reason is a huge man comes through the door at that moment, and my breath locks in my chest.
“You,” I whisper, pain and anger swirling as I take in the massive body of the man in front of me. It was once a man that I thanked the Lord for, now I want to slap the hell out of him. For a second, I think I see regret slash across King’s face, but it’s gone so quickly I think I must have imagined it.
“Me,” King practically purrs, leaning against the doorway.
Finally, my brain sees what my mind wouldn’t let it before. King is almost the spitting image of Dragon when we first met. Sure, there are differences here and there, but I can see Dragon’s features in the build of his body and his face structure. They have the same nose and jawline. Hell, even their ears are the same.
I feel like an idiot.
I shake my head, disgust rolling through me. “You hate him so much that you would hurt me to get to him,” I murmur, knowing it shouldn’t surprise me, but it does just the same.
“I despise the man. He deserves any pain that comes his way. You are just collateral damage,” King says, a bitter laugh following his words.
“Don’t worry, Nicole.”
I turn to look at the man whose patch says his name is Eyeball. “I’m not worried. My husband will come for me and when he does, he will take great pleasure in killing you slowly.”
“Your loyalty is admiral, even in the face of your husband’s infidelity.”
“Dragon didn’t cheat on me. He knew nothing of King’s existence until recently. Sadly, he was hoping to bring him in as part of our family. I now see that isn’t going to happen.”
“Not at all,” King snarls. I turn to look at him and shake my head.
“That’s a shame for both you and him—although if you are this vengeful and petty, it’s best Dragon learns the truth now.”
“If I am anything, it is because he made me that way,” King counters. “I’ll take great pleasure in causing him every single pain that I can.”
Eyeball and the other guy laugh. It’s a cold, maniacal laugh that makes me think they are about three steps over the edge of sanity. That doesn’t bode well for me or Gabby. “Would you like to know my plan for making Dragon suffer, Nicole?”
“Sending him pictures of your ugly face?” I ask before I think better of it.
I know better than to antagonize the asshole, but I couldn’t stop myself. I barely have time to step back before Eyeball is standing in front of me. He punches me hard in the eye. I fall back from the force of the hit. The pain is radiating through me. I cry out as my ass hits the unforgiving tile and concrete floor. Eyeball just stands over me and laughs, the sound even worse than before. The bastard really thinks he can defeat my husband.
“You get today and maybe tomorrow off, depending on what happens when Dragon gets my message. After that, you and your pretty little daughter-in-law over there are going to come to a Feral Kings’ party.”
“Sorry, can’t do it. I don’t have a thing to wear to a party,” I snap, holding my hand over my eye, my head throbbing. “And she’s not my daughter-in-law. You already fucked up. She’s a?—”
“I know who she is,” King interrupts me.
“She’s not Dragon’s son’s old lady?” Eyeball asks, clearly upset.
I turn to look over at Gabby, and she’s on the floor, crouched in the corner, looking terrified. What the fuck have I missed? True, she’s never been the bravest person ever was, but she had a mouth that never stopped. That’s definitely not the case now.
“No, but she’s best friends with Dragon’s daughter. She will still have her uses.”
“Shit,” Eyeball growls, clearly not happy.
“Trust me. Dragon loves her like a daughter. She’ll come in handy.”
Eyeball studies King and nods. “In that case. The both of you will still attend our party and don’t worry—you won’t be wearing clothes. You’re going to be servicing all our guys at the party. Don’t worry your pretty little face, though, Nicole. I usually like them younger, but you’ve held up pretty good. I’ll treat you really good first, before handing you off to the others. I’m even going to have King here film it all to send back to his old man as a present. We want to him to see how a real man can make you scream for more,” he laughs. They walk out after that, and I allow myself to fall back on the mattress and cry silently.
Oddly enough, Gabby comes over and curls into me and we cry together. I send up a silent prayer that my man is already here somewhere. I know if he can find me, he will save me. There’s not a doubt in my mind.