Page 9 of Saving Her
King rubs the back of his neck and I hate how that reminds me so much of Dragon. Right now, I’m scared, tired and feeling alone. I’m aching so much to see Dragon right now. I know if he was here, he’d make sure I was safe. He’d wrap me up in his arms and make the world disappear. I know it’s selfish because if he was here, he’d be drug into a war, and they’d do their best to kill my man. No one gets to do that but me. If I get out of here in one piece, killing him might be an option.
“You so much as try to touch me and I won’t wait for Dragon. I will rain down hell on you,” I hiss.
“You goin’ to take on a man who could bench press six or more of you?” he says, fighting laughter.
“I’ve been with Dragon for almost thirty years. I can take care of myself,” I warn him, praying I have it in me to make good on my threat. Once, I would’ve felt much more confident. Dragon worked like hell to train me to take care of myself. Over the years, I’ve become lax. Stupid-ass me thought getting older meant I could relax a bit in my life now.
Clearly, I was insane.
Without warning, King reaches out and grabs me. Immediately, I stiffen. His hand wraps around my neck and he holds me exactly where he wants me. My hands claw at his hands and although I’m afraid, I fight to keep my weakness from showing. He brings me close, and my legs stumble as I’m held up mostly by the pressure on my throat.
“You can’t stop me. You’re at my mercy,” he practically snarls. “You’ll find that out soon.”
“Fuck you,” I spew, my voice slightly breathless because he’s constricting some of my airflow. Despite that, I’m sure he doesn’t realize how much I’m panicking right now, so I count that as a win.
“Eat your fucking sandwich. You need it for what I’m going to do to you,” he warns, his voice dropping down menacingly. He brings his face in closer until there’s barely a breath between us. My heart is running away with me, but I’m not going to let this asshole intimidate me. I spit on him. It’s not very ladylike, but then again, I am being held hostage by a bunch of monsters. He wipes the side of his face. I thought he’d hit me. I fully expected it. Instead, it almost looks like he wants to laugh. He leans in and whispers close to my ear. “Eat the sandwich, Nicole. I’m trying to help as much as I can. Dragon will be here soon. Just be cool and play the game. Act like what I’ve said has grossed you out.”
My body goes completely still as my brain registers what he just said to me. He gently taps me on the side of the face, but he winks at me. It’s then that I realize that he’s completely blocking me from the area where I suspected there might be a camera. “Look at the sandwich,” he murmurs quietly, then speaks up. “Get some sleep. You and I have a date tomorrow.”
“Go fuck yourself,” I snarl. I’m not sure what’s going on, but there’s one thing I do know. He’s right. Dragon will be here soon.
I just need to hold on.
Chapter 7
“He’s late,” Dom says. I grunt for my answer.
“He’ll be here,” T responds, sounding confident.
I let out a sigh. I look at the clock on the wall for the millionth time. I can’t believe these fucks have my woman. I’ve already wasted too much time. She’s been in their grasp for a little over twenty-four hours now. The only assurance I have that she’s okay is coming from a man who hates me with every cell in his body. I don’t know how I got here. I truly don’t. The only thing I’m positive of is that I’m terrified I’m going to lose my woman. If she’s harmed in this, I won’t be able to handle it. I’ll burn the whole damn place down to the ground. I’ve already vowed to be the motherfucker who takes Eyeball’s head.
“What’s taking so long?” I snarl while Bull stands beside me.
We’re all in a small ass fleabag motel room. Ford called and told us to stay here. He booked the room for the meeting. I brought my boys, Skull, and Bull. Dancer is hanging back with our allies. I’m barely hanging on by a thread. Something has to give soon. I’m trying to use my head and devise a plan, because I know whatever I do, I need to extract my woman and Gabby first. I can’t afford for Nicole to be caught in the crossfire.
“He’s m-m-making sure it’s clear b-before he meets with us. He c-c-can’t afford to get caught, D-Dad.”
“I’m not waiting much longer.”
“I don’t like it either. We don’t exactly have a choice here. Hell, we’re not even sure where they’re keeping them,” Dom says.
I don’t respond. There’s not much I can say.
“We need to have our men scouting the area. If they aren’t where we originally thought, they have to be close by, or else this King wouldn’t wish to meet here,” Skull growls. He’s been uncharacteristically quiet since reading the file that Dom gave him. His two boys are part of his club and are with the other allies. The oldest—Diego—looks exactly like Skull, the youngest—Carlos—has blond hair and is more like Gabby—obviously taking after their mother.
“We’ll see what K-King says and go from there,” T says firmly.
“I agree. It’s the smartest move. Until we know where they’re at, we don’t want to risk overplaying our hand and being discovered,” Dom adds, standing right beside his brother.
If my head wasn’t a fucking mess, I’d be proud as fuck right now. This is what the future of the Savage Brothers MC was supposed to look like. Gabby fucked all that up and I’m having a hard time not letting that resentment shine through while dealing with Skull. I know he’s worried because Gabby is his daughter, but I could literally not care less about Gabby. I just need Nicole back. Right now, I don’t give a fuck what that says about me.
“I’ll give him another hour. Then, I’ll send Breaker out to scout the area and to check on the rest of our men that are gathered at the other hotel,” I finally respond.
“Diego will go with him,” Skull adds. I nod, but don’t say anything more. There’s no point. In Skull’s shoes, I’d want one of my own there, too.
“Did Ford say anything else?”