Page 58 of Westin
He slapped her ass hard, making her cry out. But she still wouldn’t give in, needing to see what he would really do. It didn’t take long before she found out.
He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her up, dropping her on the mattress. He grabbed her wrists, pinning them at her sides as he lowered himself, pressing his mouth to her core, doing things with his tongue and his front teeth that she’d never felt before. She arched her back, a scream locked in her throat. The man knew his way around a woman’s body, and he knew how to use that knowledge. She suddenly regretted—not really!—teasing him as he worked mercilessly on her, sending her quickly skidding toward a cliff she wouldn’t survive plummeting off of.
But just as she thought it was done and she was going to lose her mind for good, he stopped. He rose up on his knees, releasing her hands in favor of her legs. He lifted her knees up over his shoulders and leaned forward. No more teasing, no more games. He was inside of her with no preamble, no warning.
They both cried out. His eyes slid closed and he twisted his head, like he was struggling. It was a long moment before he looked down at her again, his eyes filled with a fever of need. He studied her face, like he needed to see something before he could proceed. She had no idea what it was he wanted; she just prayed he found it and soon. Damn, but she was close! Having him inside of her finally was a whole new paradise, a whole new pleasure that was unlike anything she’d known before. She needed him to finish this thing they’d begun, yet she wanted it to last for the rest of her life.
He leaned down and kissed her, his touch soft and tender this time, not lacking passion, just tempering it. Then he began to move, rolling his hips, doing things that told her she wasn’t his first. But maybe she’d be his last. It was too early to have thoughts like that, but they kept creeping in as she moved against him, as they found a rhythm that was theirs and only theirs. He stared into her eyes as his body offered her pleasure that should have been impossible but was somehow moving through her body in waves, a pleasure that was so intense she was sure no one else had ever known it before. She could see things in those dark-blue depths, things that made promises to her soul she never thought anyone would ever offer her. This was it. This was her man. This was… insane!
And then that cliff came looming again and she almost felt herself flying through the air as she stumbled and fell, floating in space as her climax burst through every cell in her body. It wasn’t a minute before he cried out, his movements becoming spastic as his orgasm rushed through him, too. He wrapped his arms around her, pulled her hard into his body like he was afraid she’d try to leave him in his most vulnerable moment. But she wasn’t going anywhere. If it were up to her, she’d never go anywhere else again.
Chapter 10
Westin wasn’t sure how long he’d been asleep, but didn’t think it’d been long. How could he sleep with her gorgeous body moving against his, her curvy ass pressing back against him until he was hard as a rock and dreaming dreams that were never conducive to sleep? For a night that had gone so sour, it had sure ended up sweet.
He traced the curve of her shoulder with his lips as his fingers moved slowly over her body. He brushed against the chain of her necklace, and a few intrusive thoughts danced through his mind, but he easily pushed them away as his fingers found that certain button between her legs, making her moan softly in her sleep. He nibbled a little at her throat, remembering the taste of that little button, wanting to taste it again. But she pressed her ass back against him, and the next thing he knew, he was searching for that box of condoms that was waiting eagerly on the nightstand.
She moaned as he entered her, his finger still pressed to that button. She moved her ass against him further, ready despite just coming out of the land of dreams. He nibbled at her neck again, loving the taste of her, the feel of her. He couldn’t think of a better way to wake up on a cold, Colorado morning.
She turned into him when it was done and drifted to sleep again with her face pressed to his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, allowing himself to admit that it felt real good to hold a woman in his arms. Particularly this woman. But now that the sun was rising, the light beginning to peek through the bottom edge of the blinds in the windows, reality came back to him slowly, memories of the things Clint had said to him last night reigniting the cold fire of fear that burned in his stomach.
What had this woman gotten herself into? What was it going to take to make it go away?
He kissed the top of her head as his mind worked the information, feeling around for something, a toehold he could use to pull himself up to the top and find a way out. The thing was, he knew there was still a lot they didn’t know, things Lea—Lee—was keeping to herself. The first chore was going to be convincing her to tell them the truth, to allow them to help her.
Lee jumped in his arms, pulling herself up to peek over his arm. The door vibrated as a loud knock came, the sound of Clint’s voice as he once again called his name. “Westin!”
“It’s Clint,” he assured Lee, his hand sliding soothingly down her back. “It’s okay. I’ll deal with it.”
He unfolded himself from her body, a shiver running through him as the heat of her skin was replaced by the cold reality of the small bedroom. He kicked around the piles of clothes until he found his jeans and tugged them on, zipping them up as he walked to the door. He glanced back at Lee, aching to climb back into bed against her naked body. Reality had suddenly burst over her, too. He could see it in her eyes.
“Something wrong?” he asked as he carefully slipped through the door without opening it wide enough to give Clint a glance at Lee.
“Besides the fact you’re screwing a woman you barely know in my marital bed?” Clint rolled his shoulders. “Miss Dulcie wants you up at the main house.”
“Me? Why?”
Clint narrowed his eyes. “Do you think she tells me everything? That I’m her confidant or something?” He shoved Westin’s shoulder. “I don’t know. But when Miss Dulcie asks to see someone, you better believe that person best get his ass up to the main house.”
“All right.” Westin started to turn, but Clint grabbed his shoulder, stopping him. “This wasn’t just a replacement for the bottle, was it?”
Westin crossed his arms over his chest, glancing toward the door like he could tell if Lee was standing there, listening. “Naw,” he said, shrugging the idea off even though he’d asked himself the same question on the drive out here, and again as she’d welcomed him into her bed. He’d doubted himself until he held her, until he was inside of her. He knew then that it was bigger than just looking for some sort of oblivion. That’s why it scared him so deeply.
Clint nodded. “Get dressed. Miss Dulcie was insistent.”
Westin went into the bedroom where he found Lee still curled up in bed, still breathing slowly, her eyes closed. She looked peaceful there, beautiful. He wanted to crawl back under the covers with her. It was an effort to force himself to gather his clothes and head for the shower.
“Are you going to sneak off without saying goodbye?”
He turned, not surprised to find her watching him. “I wouldn’t do that.”
She crawled out from under the covers, doing nothing to cover her nakedness as she strolled up to him. She rose up on her tiptoes and kissed his nose before bypassing him, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door in his face. He groaned, tapping his fingers on the door.
“Clint’s waiting for me. I have to go up to the main house.”