Page 6 of Rage's Redemption
“What?” Patrick spluttered.
“Say sorry to Dana for your wife being a cunt and whore while you were being an unfaithful dick who thinks his shit doesn’t stink when it does. Have at it, but hurry up. Me and my girl got stuff to be doing, and we ain’t got all day,” Ezra airily replied and grinned at Patrick.
“Oh God, what have you ended up with?” Mom demanded in horror. “Patrick leaving clearly messed you up beyond belief. That man is foul and awful. What would your father say?”
“Unsure if I care about Dad’s opinion, as we haven’t talked in two years. The guy I’m dating is more a man than Patrick,” I answered, pointing at Patrick, who sneered.
“Dana, honey, I understand you didn’t take it too well when I ended things—”
I cut him off. “Woah, I’m sorry, you finished our relationship? Patrick, I caught you fucking Shania up the ass the day before the wedding. Neither of you ended shit.”
“Is that what you’re telling people?” Shania gasped in horror. “Dana, you know Patrick called it off when he realised he loved me and not you. Yes, it was the day before the wedding, but we were in love.”
Anger hit hard, and I leaned forward and got my phone out.
“Anyone want to see time-stamped and dated images of Patrick fucking Shania up the ass the day before my wedding?” I asked the crowd that had gathered. “I have them right here. Truth is, I ended shit, not Patrick, who was standing spineless in the corner when the arguments broke out,” I snapped at Shania, leaning forward as she went pale.
Patrick’s best friend, Taylor, finally spoke up.
“You have pictures?”
“Time-stamped and everything, plus the video. Also, I have a voice conversation on record, informing my mother that I was calling the wedding off. And Mom’s reply was clear, telling me that she didn’t care which daughter got married, as long as one did as she’d spent so much.”
“Nah, I have to suffer that bitch dressed. Don’t really wanna see Shania naked.” Taylor grinned and winked.
Patrick turned to him in surprise.
“Oh my word.” I recognised a voice and saw my Aunt Joan in the crowd. “Hi, Aunt Joan.” I waved.
Ezra nuzzled my neck, and I knew my eyes glazed over.
“It doesn’t matter what happened, it ended. You can do better than a—” Mom spluttered for words. “Than a biker,” she sneered.
My spine stiffened in outrage. What was wrong with a biker apart from Mom’s snobby standards?
“Yes, Mom, we all understand you’d rather have someone like Patrick, who is fake and false, than a real man,” I shot back, infuriated.
“Hey, Dana! I’ve been looking for you. You know those Louboutins you wanted, the purple ones with the straps that were two k? Ezra bought them this morning for you, so don’t go back and get them tomorrow like you planned to. Ezra said his woman doesn’t wait for shit like that. Can you, like, wear them once quickly? I wanna borrow them for next weekend,” Lindsey asked, popping up and handing Ezra a credit card.
Lost for words, I gazed dumbly at Lindsey. What on earth was she talking about? I hadn’t been shopping with them this morning. Lindsey shot me a wink and wrinkled her nose at my family. Oh, I saw what she was doing; she was making out Ezra bought me expensive items.
“Thanks,” I muttered.
“Hey, wait, Ezra got them for Dana?” Phoenix demanded, approaching. “I was going to get Drake to buy them.”
“Yeah, I bought them to fuck Dana in them, not for you lot to steal.” Ezra grunted.
Phoe and Lindsey pouted.
I spotted my sister’s mouth gaping wide open. Guess Patrick didn’t purchase Shania purple Louboutins for two thousand dollars. Then again, Ezra didn’t for me.
“Screw her in them?” Patrick chuckled loudly. “Dana’s frigid.”
My sister laughed, finally thinking this was a big joke.
I grinned, bolstered by the old ladies and Rage brothers. For whatever reason, they had my back, and I felt brave. No matter what Shania threw, I could handle it.
Shania’s merriment faded. “Patrick wouldn’t have fucked me if she’d been willing to let go a bit.”