Page 104 of Scarred King
“Charlie!” Liam calls out, “Let the bouncers outside know that the bar is closed tonight.” Charlie goes outside, and Liam joins Tommy, Mike and Ralph at the round table.
“I thought the Duchess got cold feet,” Mike says to me with a smile and when I frown, he bursts out laughing.
“If you can count on anyone in this dump, it's her,” says Ralph, while tapping his fingers on the table. Tommy nods hello, and I stand in front of them, not knowing what to do.
“Go get ready,” Liam jerks his head towards the staircase and I look at him in confusion.
“She needs her friends,” Ralph chuckles. “I saw them cuddling in the club.” He grimaces and I roll my eyes as I walk over to the connecting door. I enter the club and see the strippers are already walking around among a crowd of excited men.
“Pssst…” I whisper to Victor, who’s watching the dancer on the central stage proudly.
“The Duchess is back!” He shakes Leo, who is standing next to him, and they both jump up and down, clapping their hands enthusiastically. “Just one more second,” he whispers to me.
When the dancer is done and she takes off her gorgeous dress, Victor sighs in relief and they both turn around and enter the bar with me. “That was so stressful,” he says excitedly. “We just finished sewing the dress a half hour ago, and we didn’t know if she'll manage with the zipper.”
“I need your help again,” I say and grimace, “but this really is the last time.”
“The Duchess’s last performance?” Leo asks excitedly.
“It's absolutely The Duchess’s last performance,” I say and feel the stress returning to my body.
“Come on then, what are you waiting for?” Leo pushes me up the stairs and they both hurry back to the strip club.
I sit in the chair behind the wooden desk and groan. The last thing I want to do tonight is another nightmare performance. I can still change my mind and leave, but I realize what the consequences would be for Liam’s business and our twisted relationship. I don’t have a choice.
“Why are you sitting around like that?” Victor gasps. “And you’re still dressed in those rags.” He signals me to stand up and shakes his head in disappointment. “You don’t need to dress like a homeless person, you know,” he scolds me, and I look down at my jeans and tank top in embarrassment.
“Make way!” Leo calls from the stairs and Victor moves aside and theatrically gestures his hand toward his friend. Leo comes in holding an enormous fabric bag. He lays it down on the table and opens it as they both look down reverently.
“You don’t understand what we set up for you here,” Leo says and tilts his head, looking back at the contents of the bag. “We made this for a special occasion next week – a bachelor party for a very important businessman.”
“We’ll just have to make something else for them,” Victor waves his hand dismissively. “The Duchess’s last performance has to be unforgettable. With pictures all over the Dark Net—”
“Okay, enough with the drama…” I cut him off irritably. “And don’t mention the words ‘Dark Net’ to me. I’m nervous enough as it is, and we don’t have much time.”
“Fine,” Victor shoots me an offended look. “You don’t have to act like a prima donna. We’re only trying to help.”
“I’m sorry,” I go over to him and hug him. “You two were amazing. I couldn’t have done it without you. I just don’t know what to expect tonight, and not knowing is driving me insane.”
“Oh, don’t worry,” Leo hugs me affectionately from the other side. “Your finale will be spectacular.”
I take off my clothes and they dress me in a black corset and layers of black fabric that is fastened around my waist and goes all the way down to the floor. Every additional layer makes the costume heavier and as Leo pulls the corset strings tighter and tighter, I find it hard to breathe.
“Is there much more?” I take small breaths.
“One last layer,” Leo announces and stands on a chair to slip the black dress over my head. Victor zips up the dress behind my back, straightens the flowing fabric and they both step back and look at me in awe.
“Nice?” I ask and walk towards the mirror.
“Not yet!” Victor cries and runs to stop me. “Don’t look until our creation is perfect.”
I lower my head. My breasts are bursting out of the corset and the lower part of the dress is puffy and flamboyant. I don’t say anything, I just follow their instructions. I can barely sit down as they brush my hair, parting it in the middle and fastening it to the sides of my head. Leo applies my makeup in total concentration, and finally Victor removes a thin strip of gold from the bag and ties it around my forehead. Leo puts high-heeled shoes on my feet, they help me up and both of them take a few steps back. They inspect me from head to toe and Leo bursts into tears. Victor hugs him and starts crying as well.
“What’s wrong?” I ask anxiously. “Didn’t it work this time?”
“These are tears of joy and excitement,” Leo explains while still sniffing. “This is our most beautiful creation ever.” They hook their arms through mine and lead me into the bedroom.
“Ready?” Victor asks and before I can answer he flings open the closet door.