Page 12 of Scarred King
“Physics?” he repeats surprised. “What kind of classes do you take to get a degree in physics?”
I open my mouth to answer, but he doesn’t wait for a reply and takes a step forward, still looking at the staircase.
“Wait!” I shout and he stops. His partner stands next to him like an angry little terrier. “It’s not polite to ask a question and then walk off without hearing an answer.” I plant myself in front of both of them and when I realize that I’ve caught them unprepared, I start talking. “Physics actually describes the physical world we live in. Physics studies begin with one-dimensional problems.” The tall man stifles a yawn, but to my surprise he doesn’t try to stop me. I continue. “It’s important to understand that the subject of physics is divided into two parts. The physics of Newton, Einstein, of the world, that deal with everything larger than an atom. When we deal with things that are smaller than an atom, we talk of quantum physics or quantum mechanics…” I stop when the men in front of me raise their eyes and look at something behind me. I turn around and Scarface smiles at me.
“I see that you’ve met Elena, my new waitress.” He places his hand gently on my shoulder and moves me aside. “How can I help you this evening?”
“We need to check that there’s no illegal activity going on upstairs,” the tall policeman says, sounding embarrassed again.
“As far as I know, private dances are still legal,” Scarface answers calmly, “but if you insist on checking, I’ll be happy to accompany you.” He stretches out his arm and motions for them to go up before him. They accept his invitation and all three of them go upstairs.
“I managed to stall them,” I say to Charlie proudly.
“You did more than that, I think you managed to put them to sleep as well.” Charlie bursts out laughing, and I throw a damp cloth at him.
The three men come down the stairs again, together with Tommy.
“We’ve had reports of prostitution, drugs, weapons…” the tall one says apologetically.
“Oh, come on. You know that our competitors will do anything to have us shut down.” Liam pats him affectionately on the shoulder, and he nods in understanding.
“There’s no smoke without fire,” the short cop says dryly, and leaves without waiting for his partner.
“He’s new at the department,” the tall one says apologetically, “and I’m the one who got to be stuck with him.” He sighs. “Where are the days when you were with us….” He picks up the drink that Charlie poured him and empties it down. “I hope I won’t have to come back and visit you anytime soon.” He winks, shakes Tommy and Scarface’s hands and starts leaving. Suddenly he stops and turns around towards me. “Do you want to carry on telling me about physics over dinner sometime?”
“Sorry, I work here every night,” I say and peek at Scarface. He nods once in agreement and the cop shrugs in disappointment and leaves to find his partner.
The music has gone quiet again. The twins sit down with a heavyset man as the slender blonde is sitting on the lap of a guy who looks like he could easily be attending lectures with me.
“Which son of a bitch judge gave them that warrant?” Tommy sits down at the round table and leans forward with his elbows on it, and Scarface sits down across from him.
“I didn’t have time to check,” Charlie says in frustration, putting two bottles of beer down for them. The door on the left opens and Mike walks over, motioning to Tommy to make room for him on the couch.
“Judge Dickens,” I say and put a white napkin down by each bottle of beer.
“You didn’t even see the warrant,” Charlie says angrily.
“Fine, I didn’t see it,” I reply nonchalantly and go back to the counter.
“Elena,” Scarface calls me over. “Sit down.” He signals Tommy and Mike to move up next to him and I keep standing. “Sit,” he asks again.
“But you said I’m not allowed to sit down,” I sway on my feet uncomfortably.
“You can sit here,” Tommy answers instead and laughs. “No one will try and touch you here.” He is amused. “You see?” He folds his hands over his chest, still laughing.
I sit down next to Mike, opposite Scarface and look around to make sure that no one needs my services.
“What did you see in the warrant?” Scarface asks. He pushes his beer over to me and gestures that I can drink it.
“Everything,” I say, pushing the bottle away from me and arranging a white napkin next to it.
“So tell us what it said.” He plays with the napkin and I can’t resist pulling it back to me, smoothing it out and placing it back next to the bottle.
“Today’s date. The address here. The full names of all three of you and that the warrant allows them to search for prostitution on the premises.” I suddenly comprehend this bizarre situation and take the bottle of beer from him, take a big swag and return it. “Signed – Judge Dickens.” I clean off some imaginary dirt on the table with my fingernail and raise my eyes again. He looks at me in awe, as the angelic side of his face takes over and my stomach clenches at the sight of his beauty.
“That bastard Dickens,” Tommy hisses angrily. “One of the girls told me about the kinky things he likes. I can send her back to him and…”
“No,” Angelface replies calmly. “There’s no reason to start a confrontation with him now.” He falls silent and looks at me again, as if he understands that I may have heard more than I was meant to. “You can go back to work now.” He takes a gulp from the bottle and I start to get up.