Page 124 of Scarred King
“Crazy German,” I mutter and press the number.
“Yes,” Ilan answers immediately.
“Good evening Ilan, this is Elena,” I say politely.
“Who?” he roars.
I roll my eyes. “The Duchess.”
“Oh.” He sounds surprised. “To what do I owe this honor?”
“I need some help.” I scratch my head in embarrassment. “I want to surprise Liam and I need to make sure he’ll be at the club tonight. I think that if you ask him to join you there, he won’t refuse you.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t do it tonight. I promised the wife I’d stay home."
I groan in disappointment but refuse to give up. “That’s a shame… Liam just told me that Irena asked about you.”
“Really?” he asks suspiciously.
“Really. Twice.” I lie easily.
“OK, then,” he says. “The wife needs to understand that work comes first.” He laughs to himself and I roll my eyes again.
“So, when will you get there?” I have to plan my timing well.
“Half an hour. Should I be armed?” he sounds amused.
“I thought you’re always armed,” I reply cynically.
“Yes… but if you’re preparing a surprise, I might need a couple of grenades or an RPG as well.” He laughs and I fume. “Just do me a favor, try not to burn us up tonight. I’d prefer a quiet night.”
“I’ll see how you behave.” I say aggressively and he laughs again.
I go upstairs to shower and dress, and I call a cab. Suddenly I don’t care that I have a three-hour exam tomorrow. I don’t care that my stomach is rumbling with hunger. I’m really planning to go to the last place I’d ever choose, and let the whole world know that my man, who may be far from perfect, is perfect for me.
The cab stops at the entrance and the bouncer looks at me curiously. It’s the same bouncer who was here during my last horrific performance. I open the door carefully and peek inside. The round table is empty. I smile in relief and go inside.
“What a surprise!” Charlie’s booming voice greets me. “I left the gas cans in the storeroom, want me to go get them?”
I smile at him. Suddenly the place seems a lot less dark than I remembered. Maybe I really am going downhill.
“The Duchess is back,” Charlie announces and the girls awaiting clients rush over to embrace me. Oddly, I don’t turn away from them. I really do feel affection for them.
“Shall I tell Liam you’re here?” Amber asks excitedly, and I shake my head no. “Could you please let Leo and Victor know that I’m waiting for them in the office upstairs? But not a word to Liam.” I wink at her playfully and she nods curiously, and turns toward the connecting door.
I go upstairs and enter the office, lean on the large wooden desk and wait impatiently. My cellphone pings with an incoming message and I look at it.
Liam: Ilan’s here and I’m at the club with him.
Me: OK.
Liam: Angry?
Me: No. Remember, you can look but not touch!
Liam: I only want to touch one woman, who probably has all her clothes on.
Me: Actually, I just got out of the shower. I’m naked and wet.