Page 24 of Scarred King
He turns my barstool around and smiles. “Come on, I’ll take you home and you can get some sleep. You’ll feel better after that.”
“I have to hand in this summary in exactly two hours.” I close my eyes and pull myself together. “And I will.” I state emphatically. I turn the barstool back around and open the first book. “Don’t disturb me now,” I say with venom and look through some papers quickly, filing the information in the imaginary library inside my head and start typing furiously.
“Done!” I cry happily and save the document once again. “I’m done.” I turn my head and see that the place is empty except for Scarface, who is sitting at the round table, smoking and staring at me. “Were you waiting for me?” I ask embarrassed and peek at the clock on the wall. I have exactly fifteen minutes to get to campus.
“It’s really something watching you type.” He smiles and puts his cigarette out. “I had no idea that a person could have so many facial expressions.” He stands up and stretches his neck. “Come on, I’ll take you.” He starts toward the door and I gather my things quickly.
“You don’t understand,” I say, my face glowing as he hands me the helmet. “This is the most exciting project I’ve ever worked on in my life.” I continue to talk rapidly, feeling a need to share the great love of my life with this strange creature. “Did you know that LED lights, those economical lights…” I stop for a minute and wait for him to nod, “actually emit light at a rate that could double the artificial light problem?”
“No,” he answers shortly and stifles a smile.
“And did you know that according to world calculations, eighty-eight percent of human beings live in areas that are affected by light pollution?”
“No,” he lets out a short laugh, but I am in my element and I carry on.
“And did you know…”
“Elena,” he cuts me off. “I know one thing – you have less than fifteen minutes to get to the university. Do you want to keep chatting or get going?”
The smile that was plastered on my face immediately disappears. “Get going,” I answer nervously and sit down.
Traffic is crazy, but luckily it doesn’t affect me. The black motorcycle maneuvers between the cars easily and ten minutes later we stop at the entrance of the campus. I jump off and give Scarface the helmet.
“I can’t stand you, usually.” I smile at him and he raises an eyebrow in amusement. “But right now, I want to hug you.” I lean forward, kiss his scarred cheek and run quickly toward the green lawns.
I stop in the waiting room outside the professor’s office and put my hair in a ponytail. I am so tired I assume my eyes are red and I look exhausted as someone who worked through the night. I knock once and enter. I’m first! Professor Sawyer is sitting at his large desk and raises his head. Suddenly, I no longer feel tired or the remains of frustration from the all-nighter. A rush of adrenaline runs through me. “I’ve discovered some amazing things,” I say excitedly and take my laptop out of my bag. “I didn’t have time to print it, but if you could…”
“Come here,” he stands up and gestures to me to sit down in his chair. I do as he says and he stands behind me. I open up my document and start reading it out loud. After I’ve read only two lines he squeezes my shoulder and asks me to stop, then leans forward and reads it himself. Unlike my boss’s strong and smoky smell, the professor’s smell is subtle, fresh and clean, as if he’s just stepped out of the shower. For a minute I feel uncomfortable because of the smell that must be clinging to me from the club, but the professor continues leaning over me, so close to me and concentrating on the summary I wrote for him.
“That’s great,” He says finally and stands up straight. “I’d like you to find some more supportive data for some of the issues that you’ve raised here, but it’s definitely a good starting point.” I put my hand over my mouth in excitement. I’m thrilled by his reaction, yet I must stay calm. “I’ll email you a list of additional sources, and you can start building the basis of the research.” He smiles at me through his clipped, neat goatee, and I imagine myself sitting beside him at a riverside café, having a conversation that will make me quiver with its intensity. He’s so young. He’s always buttoned up and tidy. He always has a bashful smile on his face. And he’s so smart… definitely a man that could rock my world. I blush as my intimate thoughts are abruptly cut off when the other two students enter the room.
“Are we late?” they ask nervously.
“I was early,” I say proudly, and I stand up. “I’m looking forward to receiving your email,” I say as I gather my belongings.
“Elena.” The professor stops me just before I leave. “I’ll be leaving for a convention on ‘Light Pollution’ in San Francisco soon. I have funding for a research assistant as well.” He falls silent and I hold my breath. “I wondered if you'd like to join me.”
If I hadn’t glanced at my two partners on this project and seen their disappointment, I might have broken out singing and dancing. But they are here, and I have to stay serious.
“I’d love to, Professor Sawyer,” I say with a small smile.
“Great,” he answers and sits back down in his chair.
I leave the room, put my bag down on the floor and let myself go with a victory dance, jumping up and down, flinging my arms around.
During one of our breaks, I share the exciting news with Johanna. She doesn’t display any enthusiasm; she just continues playing with her golden hair.
“Aren’t you happy for me?” I ask disappointed.
“I am very happy.” She lies down on the grass and I sit next to her. “But I am a little tired of my life. I have reached the understanding that I am just bored.”
I look at her surprised. “How can you be bored? When we’re here in this university, studying the most interesting things in the world.”
“Easily,” she answers, fuming. “You were accepted into this project and I wasn't. You have a secret job and I don't. You're going to go to an interesting convention with a sexy professor and I am not.”
“I would gladly give up the job,” I mumble to myself. “You have all the time in the world to study and I don’t. You have a social life and I don’t. You have financial security and I don’t. I have the threat of dropping out hanging over me.” I answer frustrated. “I’d change places with you right now in a heartbeat.”
“And miss out on the convention?” she asks suspiciously.