Page 39 of Scarred King
The closing event of the conference is undoubtedly the most impressive one I’ve ever been to in my life. Ten researchers from various fields of physics challenge each other with some serious questions and I dare not even blink. Professor Sawyer is standing among them, and looks like the ultimate man to me, the epitome of perfection.
Again, the same ritual of adoring females surrounding him starts again and I leave him to ride the waves of admiration as I go up to my room to pack.
I meet him in the lobby, and we ride to the airport together. It’s evening already, and I am saddened by this return to reality.
This time, the stewardess at the counter gives us adjoining seats and as soon as the plane’s wheels leave the ground I start to panic. I’ll be back to my complicated reality very soon. I agreed to add another two courses without giving the matter much thought. It’s hard enough to meet all my other requirements already. I need to go back to my crappy job, as this is probably the only way I can afford tuition. Johanna discovered my dark secret, and my body is consistently demanding that I satisfy my immense attraction to Scarface. The most perfect man on earth is sitting right beside me, and all I can think about is satisfying my physical passion with a scarred criminal who is half-angel and half-beast. I must be losing it. The minute I got the news from my mother, something went wrong in my brain. It's simple, I reassure myself. I’ll get him to sleep with me and then, once and for all, I’ll be rid of the sick fantasy in my head. I’ll forbid Johanna to return to the bar and get my life back to studying and work. When my physical attraction to Scarface is no longer a factor, everything will be easier.
Professor Sawyer is reading a book and this time I made sure I had a book before the flight as well. His palm glides toward my thigh and then draws back. He sends me a small, secretive smile and I smile back understandingly.
He says goodbye at the airport with a formal handshake.
“I’ll see you tomorrow on campus.” I smooth the long shirtdress I'm wearing and tighten my belt.
“Don’t bother coming tomorrow,” he says casually. “Rest a little. I’ll only be repeating everything you heard at the conference in tomorrow’s lessons.”
“Fine.” I could use some rest before getting sucked back into my crazy routine. I give the cabdriver my luggage and turn back to him. “Three amazing days,” I smile. “I’ll never be able to show you how grateful I am.”
“Elena,” his face grows serious. “It was just as amazing for me.” He falls silent and then adds, “Thanks to you.” He drags his luggage towards the second cab.
Throughout the drive home my head is furiously swamped with thoughts. I’ll unpack. I’ll talk to Johanna and then I’ll go to the bar. It’s time to put an end to this repulsive fantasy.
I hurry up to the apartment and I’m disappointed to find it empty. I take my cellphone out of my bag and text her:
Where are you?
No answer. I unpack my luggage and send another message:
Johanna, where are you?
This time the answer arrives within seconds:
At the bar. Working. Where else would I be?
Damn! I clutch my head in panic and storm out of the apartment. I wait impatiently for a cab and give the driver the bar’s address. Luckily, this driver isn’t talkative. He doesn’t ask me anything, just looks at me strangely. Probably because I can’t stop moving nervously in my seat. When he stops at the entrance, I throw the money at him and hurry inside.
Oh My God!
Johanna is standing in the middle of the bar wearing a short blue mini dress and chatting with one of the customers. She places her small hand on his shoulder and then turns to the girl sitting opposite him and giggles with her. She looks so natural in here, that for a moment it seems that this is not my pretty, quiet and kindhearted roommate at all. But unfortunately, it is. I tighten the belt of my modest dress and scan the room. Scarface is sitting with Tommy at the round table. My body responds to him immediately and I have to stop myself from going over to his table and throwing myself at him. I look at Johanna again and realize that I have to get her out of here right now. Suddenly she sees me and runs over to me.
“Elena, you’re back.” She hugs me tightly.
“Yes,” I reply shortly and hold of her arm. “How did you find out where I work?”
“I followed you.” She bites her lip with a sly expression on her face and I shake my head in disappointment.
“I’ll take over now. You can go back to the apartment.”
“No way,” she giggles and shakes me off. “I can't believe you hid this place from me,” she says in an angry tone but a large smile spreads over her face.
“It’s not a place for you.” I try to stay calm. “I don’t have a choice, you do. So please, leave now and go back to the apartment.”
“You're such a party pooper,” she says annoyed. “My life has been so boring for a whole year and now I found this exciting place. There is no way I am going to give up my last shift here. You were not meant to be back at work until tomorrow.”
“But I’m early,” I say irritably.
“I love you.” She hugs me again. “But I am staying here, and you can't make me leave.” She turns away from me and sits down opposite the blonde at one of the tables. I stare at her, shocked and hurry towards the round table. I want to launch myself at Scarface and unleash my passion, but on the other hand, I am shaking with anger.