Page 48 of Scarred King
“Mike,” I gasp and point at them. “Look, he’s touching her.”
“Put your finger down.” He smacks my hand and I pull it back.
“She’s a stripper.” He is calm again and smiles. “He ordered a private lap dance and he’s getting one.” He peeks at them and leans back. “He has three minutes to make out with her.”
I lean toward him. “But he’s touching her,” I whisper. “Isn’t there a ‘look but don’t touch’ rule?”
“What – are we in the eighties?” he snorts. “They can touch as much as they want to.”
My mouth drops open in shock when the guy starts sucking her nipple. “Even kissing?” I won’t let this go.
“Whatever he wants, except for putting his hand inside her panties.”
“Yuck.” I shudder and they both look at me irritably.
“If you are so disgusted by this, then why can't you stop looking at them?” Ralph puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me back. “And close your mouth. You don’t know what could get in there by mistake.” They both laugh out loud and I shut my mouth and make a face at them. I suddenly realize that all around me there are naked girls rubbing up on men. It’s everywhere. Breasts, butts, rubbing, licking, kissing. I feel like I’ve been dumped in the middle of a porn movie being filmed and there’s nowhere to escape.
Mike gets up, says goodbye to us and walks towards the bar.
“Let’s go, too,” I plead with Ralph and finish my drink in one long swallow.
“We just got here,” he says carelessly and orders another drink for me from one of the bunnies. He asks if I’m hungry and I shake my head. Who the hell could eat surrounded by all this porn?
“Tell me about yourself,” I ask him, trying to focus on the man sitting in front of me.
“What do you want to know?” he settles back on the armchair. Shit, now I can see everything that's going on behind him. I shrink into the couch.
“When did you start your partnership with Liam?”
“When they left the police.”
Left the police? They were policemen? I am shocked by this information. He examines my face and his gaze goes to my cleavage. I grab his chin and raise it. Suddenly I realize that the man sitting in front of me might be able to dispel the fog about the man who has my world in such upheaval.
“Why did they leave the police?” I ask with faked indifference.
“They were kicked out after that incident.” He moves his hand over my cheek and I am so curious that I don’t even try to bat it away.
“What thing?”
“You know, the incident…” he says impatiently. “What's with all the questions? I thought you wanted to hear about me.”
“You’re right.” I manage to fake a smile. “So, do you like your work?”
“It’s good money.” He strokes my cheek again and moves to my neck. “I would like it much more if we leave and you let me fuck you.”
“Ralph.” I push myself against the back of the couch. “Stop thinking about sex all the time.”
“What are you thinking about?” he asks curiously and takes another glass of wine for me from the bunny.
“About the fact that everyone here probably comes in their pants.” I burst out laughing and squint my eyes trying to take in all I see. “It’s so disgusting.”
“Don’t worry,” he comes closer again. “They know exactly when to get up.” I squint my eyes again at a black man patting a slender stripper on the ass and grinding against her over and over again.
“They're very experienced. They can feel when a man is about to come, and they change their positions.”
“But why?” I don’t understand.