Page 62 of Scarred King
“It really is beautiful,” I say casually, hiding my amazement. The top part of the dress wraps around my chest and shapes it, while the bottom part curves around my body elegantly and sensuously. The slit reaches my thigh and I can move my legs freely. The dress looks like it was made just for me.
“Now we have to do something about that braid,” she points at my hair and wrinkles her forehead. “Can I touch it?” she asks and stretches her hand out towards my hair.
“No!” I cringe backward.
“Okay. You are so weird… then twist it around and make a bun.”
I twist my hair around like she said and fasten it with bobby pins.
“You have a rare kind of beauty,” she smiles. “I can see why he fell so hard.”
“Nonsense,” I say and look in the mirror again. “External beauty fades away. You need to look at someone’s internal beauty.”
“Then it’s a good thing that you’re beautiful on the outside,” she laughs, and I turn around angrily. “Hey, I’m just kidding,” she keeps on laughing, and I throw one of the dresses at her and burst into true, uninhibited laughter. A minute later I clutch my stomach and grow serious.
“Carly, I’m scared,” my voice trembles and I sit down on the bed.
“I know, honey,” she says in a caressing motherly tone. “But Liam won’t let anyone hurt you. It’s difficult for both sides, but we’ll win in the end.” She says confidently and starts applying makeup to my face.
“How come you're speaking to me so freely about it all?” I ask. “Everyone’s always so careful not to talk next to me.” I shake for a minute, still paralyzed with fear.
“You’re one of us now,” she says and signals that I should close my eyes.
“No, I’m not.” I say firmly. “I’m just a guest. Once this business is over, I’ll go back to my world and you can forget I ever existed.”
“Elena,” she puts blush on my cheek, “there are no visitors in our world. Whoever comes in, stays forever.”
“Carly, hurry her up.” I hear him calling from downstairs and I can’t move. Don’t listen to her, my inner voice orders angrily. She’s trying to confuse you. playing mind games with you. You don’t belong here. You don’t belong in this world and you never will!
“Come on,” Carly sounds stressed. She puts a pair of high black heels on my feet. “Smile,” she pulls me up. “Look confident, and most importantly don’t say anything stupid.” She puts back the other dresses back into the suitcase and hands me a small black purse. “Perfect,” she smiles again, and we leave the room and go downstairs.
“So, how do you like my masterpiece?” she asks, standing at my side.
Liam looks at me quietly. He studies me all over and looks as if he is hypnotized.
“Well?” Carly is waiting for an answer. He blinks and nods his head once.
“Very nice,” he says almost inaudibly, and doesn’t look at me again.
“Good luck,” Carly says. She kisses me on the cheek and leaves the house.
Liam opens the door to the garage for me. I pick up the fabric of my long dress, sit behind him on the motorcycle and try to arrange the skirt around my knees. The garage door rises, and he starts driving. I hold on to him and my body awakens, suddenly I don’t want this ride to end. I lean my head against his back and absorb his body heat. He veers right and continues overtaking the cars in front of us. It’s only when he stops outside a big iron gate that I notice the blue Volvo behind us. Liam identifies himself and two armed guards open the gate. The Volvo stays outside, and we park by a high staircase.
He helps me off the motorcycle and places his hand on my back. “If you play the game well, we’ll be out of here quickly,” he says coldly, and my body reacts appropriately. The shivers go away and my brain is back in charge.
We go up the stairs slowly, and at the top we meet an older man. His hair is white, and he has a Yarmulka on his head. I catch my breath and stand up straight.
“Mordechai,” Liam says respectfully and when the man holds his hand out, Liam kisses it. “Thank you for inviting us. It’s a great honor.”
“Liam, my friend.” The man pats him on the shoulder affectionately, “The honor is all ours.” He turns to me and stares. A wide smile spreads over his face. “I understand that the young lady has risen from the dead.”
“Yes,” Liam chuckles and I don’t know what to do with myself.
“What’s your name, child?” The man is still smiling cheerfully.
“Elena, sir. And thank you for inviting me.” I shiver as Liam’s hand strokes my back.
“Beauty and the Beast,” he murmurs happily and winks at Liam. “This is definitely a young lady worth going to war for,” he says as he continues to look me over. “You have an excellent posture.” He picks up his Yarmulka, turns it around and places it back on his head. “You remind me of a young Katharine Hepburn.” I blush at the compliment. He looks at Liam, and grows serious. “She’s safe here. Go in and have a nice, quiet evening.”