Page 101 of Electric Touch
“I’m not that lucky. Already told you, it’s waiting for me to fall asleep. There is no alternative. I need to move out.”
“You know what?” I chuckle. “Why don’t we just sit down, watch some TV and see if he comes out on his own? Besides,” I walk over and grab her around the waist. “I never got to say a proper hello.”
She tilts her head up and I cup her chin, bringing her lips to mine, kissing her gently at first. Then I part her lips and deepen it. It’s been too long and I’m horny enough not to care if Satan pops out and bites my bare ass. So long as I can get between those thighs.
I’m about to walk her backwards towards the bedroom when she pulls back and drops her forehead to my chest. Her hands are fisting my t-shirt at my waist. She doesn’t say anything.
“I missed you,” I admit.
For a moment I’m stunned to silence. She doesn’t mean it in an insulting, couldn’t care less kind of way. She looks… vulnerable?
“I’m not sure if it slipped your notice, Adrestia, but I like you. A lot.”
“Oh,” her cheeks flush.
“I kinda thought you like me, too?”
“I do.”
“Good.” I kiss her until she’s breathless.
“Are we having the talk?” she asks.
“What talk?” I tease her.
“You’ve just got out of a long-term committed relationship, Nash. It would be stupid of me to let my feelings go too far without knowing your intentions.”
“So your feelings are going far?”
Her eyes narrow. “We’ve spent a lot of time together. I enjoy being with you. We’re compatible in bed.”
“Very,” I agree, my hands roaming down her back to squeeze her ass. It makes her flinch forward into me. “I hope it’s more than that, though?”
“We weren’t discussing me,” she says.
“No, we weren’t. Like I said the other night. We were always going to end. You were right when you talked about her cheating and not telling me she didn’t want to be with me. Not that I would have ever cheated on her. I think I was so caught up in her being the one, I didn’t realise…” I shrug. “She wasn’t. Not anymore.”
“I guess I should thank her then. For cheating on you.”
I grimace, knowing I shouldn’t cheapen my relationship with Riley. Adrestia always gets to the heart of the matter without preamble.
“I’d love to see that.”
“I mean, I could easily do it, but it would be cruel.”
“I’d say leave it alone, yeah.” I touch her bottom lip with my thumb. “From here on out, how about we don’t bring her into our relationship anymore?”
“I would like that. But you still work with her.”
“True, but I don’t discuss any of the others when we’re together. Unless it’s about making plans or something, the band is doing. That’s what she will become, too.”
She smiles, like that pleases her.
“I think there might be something wrong with this picture. I’ve been here for a full half hour and haven’t gotten you undressed yet.”
Adrestia steps back and lifts her top over her head. My eyes immediately go to her tits, in a black lace bra, I can see right through it. I curse and groan at the same time. She winks and takes my hand, leading me to the bedroom.