Page 21 of Electric Touch
“This is exactly what I’m talking about,” Declan interrupts before it goes any further. “So here, now, in this room. It ends.” He holds up a finger. “If you want this band to succeed, bite your fucking tongues. Paste a smile on your face. Do whatever it takes to make the fans and label trust you actually get on. And be able to make music together. The label doesn’t want you to be famous for controversy. They’ve had that over the years. They want to start fresh with a band that has no issues.”
“So, say what we mean. But don’t insult anyone?” Dylan says sarcastically.
“If it means this bullshit is through, then say it. We either walk out of this room a six-piece band, or we walk out of this room with nothing. No contract, no album, no tours. They’ll release you. And you can’t do anything about it because they stacked the contract against you.”
“You mean the contract you got for us?” Jack drawls.
“I mean the contract every musician on this label signs,” Declan snaps at him. “If a band brings disrepute to the label, they may sever the contract.”
“Disrepute?” Dylan leans forward. “I mean, she’s been nasty, but it has a specific target.” He gives Riley a dirty look.
“The press are very astute, Dylan. They can read between the lines. The entire world knows you broke up. What they don’t realise is the relationships crossed.”
“They didn’t,” Riley cries out. “I didn’t cheat.”
That is met with silence. Ciro mutters something in Spanish. Declan scowls at him.
“How come we’re all getting the riot act?” Jack says, still slouched, but he is invested. He doesn’t want to show it. He’s all about the fun, not conflict.
“All I did was post about my vacation.”
“Shut the fuck up, Riley,” Ciro says. “You’ve been getting digs in at Nash with every single post.”
“Fuck you, Ciro.”
“You wish.”
“Will you stop it?” Declan looks at Riley, pinching the bridge of his nose. Then he turns to me. “It was always a concern, having two people in a relationship in the band. There is the chance it could blow up.”
“Big surprise, it happened in spectacular fashion,” Ciro mutters.
“No one asked you,” Riley snaps.
Another argument breaks out. I say nothing, even though I’m the injured party here. Declan puts his hand over his eyes. This is fucking stupid.
“Everyone, shut the hell up!” I shout.
All eyes turn to me. I guess no one expected me to say anything, let alone shout over everyone. "I've had e-fucking-nough of this bullshit." I get out of my chair. They think I'm about to walk out. I would never walk out on Red Alert.
“Ciro, stop antagonising her and trying to get people to side with you about kicking Riley out.”
“Eat a bag of dicks,” he says back.
“This isn’t about who has been in the band the longest. Or who started it, or personal relationships. This is about Red Alert. Declan is right. We walk out of this room with a band. Or we walk out failed musicians who couldn’t get over their own drama. And do the damn job. I want to make music. I want this band to succeed. If you have all lost that drive, that passion, then I don’t want to be in a fucking band with you.
“And you,” I look at Riley. “You broke my fucking heart. I won’t lie or sugar coat what you did to me. And the bullshit message you’ve been putting out this week isn’t you, Riley. I don’t know what it is, or whether you’re influenced by someone else, but it isn’t you. You’re not spiteful, you’re not a bitch, but you’ve acted like one.
“I for one welcome a controlled social media presence. All I care about is the music. The details of what happens between you and me are no one else’s business. Including the people in this room. You need to stop. Remember who you are, and what we mean to you. You need to side with us,” I say, my voice quieter but no less authoritative. “I will move on, to make this band what we all dreamed it would be. I’m fucking done, okay. I’ve said what I need to say. I choose this band.
“It’s up to you all to say what you want. Declan, you want us to stay and iron this out? I’m sorry, I can’t listen to any more of this bullshit. Decide for yourselves what you want to do.”
I walk around the table and grab the doorhandle.
“I won’t roll over for the label,” I add to Declan. “If they have more demands, I want to know them before we agree. Until everyone in this room sorts their shit out, there is nothing more to say.”
The door slams behind me. I walk out of the office and head out of the building. I’m stranded, miles from our apartment without a car. Screw it, I start walking.
I don’t know if what I said in there sunk in for anyone. If Ciro actually believes the shit he is spouting at me is true. Or that Riley can’t see this happened because of her. Can Jack stop being childish and Dylan put the past behind him? I hope I didn’t push it too far. Because I could have very well blown up the whole band.