Page 47 of Electric Touch
“He’s right, babe,” Elsa nods, sipping the cocktail Jenna made her. “When I play, you always look at my cards.”
“To help you, cos you suck at poker,” Nick says. He turns his incredulous look on Jordan. “You said you wouldn’t accuse anyone of cheating, then turn around and accuse me.”
“Suck it up, buttercup,” Jordan smirks. “Your woman just agreed with me.”
“Fucks sake, can we just play?”
Everyone looks at Ciro, who is scowling at the conversation. He doesn’t usually come to poker night, so it’s a surprise to see him. Not so much the scowl. We get back to the game. I have a shit hand, so I fold straight away. Everyone gives us shit about me knowing something they don’t. It’s all good natured and Adrestia takes it in stride. As I knew she would.
We play for a couple of hours. Adrestia wins a couple, but loses more. Ciro seems to win most of the money tonight. He takes a break at the same time as Adrestia and they talk as they get fresh drinks. I’m down about two hundred bucks, so decide to give up.
Dylan has folded, leaving Jenna, Jordan and Nick still playing. They’re giving each other shit to put one another off. I move over so I’m sitting next to Dylan and finish the last of my beer. It’s my second and last bottle, given I’m driving.
“She seems nice. Intense though,” Dylan says, looking over my shoulder at Adrestia. She’s laughing at something Ciro said. I’m shocked as shit to see a smile on his miserable face. “Fuck,” Dylan mutters, seeing what I’m seeing.
“She is. She’s super smart, knows everything about everything, but not in a know it all kind of way.”
“Too smart for your dumb ass.”
“It’s not like that.”
“You shittin me, bro. Or yourself?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means the two of you have been eye-fucking all night,” Jordan leans over and whispers.
I push him away. He laughs and goes back to his shit talking with Nick. Jenna has folded and is talking with Elsa as the two bandmates battle it out.
“We really haven’t,” I tell Dylan.
“Maybe not all night, but… He’s not wrong. Is it like that? You kissed her at the gig. Now she’s here, and you’re giving her guitar lessons.”
I glance over at her again. She’s looking at us, and she smiles when she sees me. I smile back then turn to Dylan, who looks like the cat who ate the canary. “Fuck off.”
“Dude, I’m just saying. You seem like you like her. You’re single. What’s the big deal?”
“No big deal,” I mutter, looking down at the beer bottle.
“Oh, fuck. You like her, like her.”
“Shut up,” I punch him, cos I’m five, apparently.
“What’s holding you back? It’s been months since you split with Riley. I know you’re not the guy who sleeps around, or even dates,” he makes a face. “Why not try it?”
“You make it sound like I’m test driving a car.”
“Don’t be gross. That isn’t what I’m saying. She’s nice, everyone likes her and she’s fitting right in. Ciro and Alessa like her, I’d say marry her for that alone.”
Jordan laughs and I turn to tell him to butt out. He’s not paying us any attention, he beat Nick and is pulling the pile of chips towards him. I don’t know why I’m getting so defensive about this. He’s right, I do like her and I enjoy being around her, I’m definitely attracted to her. And that entire conversation with Riley earlier has made me see I’m done with the past.
“You overthink everything,” Dylan sighs. “For once, take a chance.”
“I take chances.”
He cocks his head and gives me a look, saying that’s a bullshit statement. “Don’t blow it. I get the feeling she’ll be good for you.” With that, he gets up and heads over to get more beer.
The night winds down and I realise how late it’s gotten. After I use the bathroom, I go to ask Adrestia if she is ready to go home. She is sitting with the three women, all chatting and laughing. I don’t know why I got the impression Adrestia was a loner. She has only ever talked about her family and Apollo, and her friend Sasha.