Page 3 of The Sounds of Her
Beyond us, I hear the female host on set talking about us. The crowd cheer and another person with a headset looks our way.
“You’ll be on in a few minutes. If you could all stand over here, please.”
Elsa gives Nick a quick kiss, but he doesn’t let her go that easily.
“Uh, we’re ready for you.”
He averts his eyes from the over-the-top PDA Nick and Elsa are involved in. I roll my eyes and step around everyone.
I’m not sure how I fell into being the one who leads the way when it comes to the band. Always the first on the stage, who speaks for the band, or meets with the Execs. Not that I resent it, but lately, I wish someone else could do it.
Still, I paint a smile on my face as we’re introduced. The lights hit me straight away, the audience barely visible, but loud as fuck. It’s almost like a gig, but not quite. The exhilaration I get from walking out on a stage is there, though muted. I’d rather head straight to the set with our instruments than sit on this couch.
We were introduced to Kyle and Shania earlier. Their talk show of the same name is wildly popular in Canada. It goes out live and is on late because occasionally guests swear. You can guarantee with Jordan around, there will be swearing tonight.
The audience continues their raucous noise and I wave, smiling as I reach Kyle and shake his hand, then Shania’s. I move furthest away, hoping it’s the others they focus on.
We’re supposed to leave our phones in the green room, but I forgot, and it vibrates in my pocket. Shit, I should have turned it off.
We’re greeted and introduced, the audience cheers as we’re individually announced.
“Thank you guys for taking time to be here. It’s lovely to see you all. You’re right in the middle of your ten-year anniversary tour and are heading out of Canada tomorrow,” Shania says, her smile bright.
“Unlucky you,” Kyle jokes. I give an obligatory laugh.
Then they begin the questions B pre-approved. There is nothing spontaneous about our answers, we knew the questions beforehand. A lot of it is the same shit we’re asked by most interviewers.
There is a lot of focus on Adam’s engagement and Nick’s dick. Jordan doesn’t allow them all the limelight though, answering a lot of the questions. I’ve zoned out and realise Shania is looking towards me.
“Sorry, Shania,” I smile. “I’m so astounded by how amazing this audience is tonight.”
“Well, of course, you have so many fans here. So Archer, everyone in the band appears to have found their better half,” she gives a small laugh to the camera before looking back at me. “Is there a special person out there for you? Or are you going to make many people out there happy as the last remaining single guy in the band?”
It takes a lot not to grimace, the phone heavy in my pocket because it’s still buzzing, and I know who it is. “I can’t make everyone happy,” I say. “That would probably break some laws somewhere.”
She chuckles. Nick is beside her and his brows dip. Fuck, that was the wrong thing to say. I can imagine Bianca losing her shit.
“Right now, I’m focusing on the music. It’s a hectic schedule so not much time for romance.”
“Unless you’re me,” Jordan pipes up. “Yesterday, I took my angel to the Capilano Suspension Bridge. Have you been there?” he asks the audience. “It’s fucking terrifying. But it was like being in an Indiana Jones movie.”
The crowd laughs.
“It is an amazing bridge. Did you all go?” Kyle asks.
“Nah, it was a special trip for me and my girl.”
The conversation moves on to our album. Jordan has diverted the attention away from me, and Kyle segues into the instrumental part of the evening.
I get up and head over to the set beside us and pick up my guitar, taking my seat as the rest of the band follows me. Jordan has his drums set up, but he will not be thrashing on them tonight. He’s the backbeat to our acoustic sound.
For the first time all night, I’m comfortable in my skin. This is what I love to do, feeling the fret board and strings beneath my fingers as we play. I close my eyes and shut everything out as Ad sings a stripped back version of So Much Unsaid. It’s drastically different from the real version, but I find it soothing to play it like this.
Every chord and strum of my fingers brings me a little more peace.
If only the rest of my life could be like this.
Chapter Two