Page 32 of The Sounds of Her
“Never was worried. She was a bitch to Jenna, no matter how she tried to turn it around.”
He’s right, plus we’ll all be on edge if she were here and that isn’t what the next five days are about.
We head back into the bar to find a few people have already disappeared to their villas. Adam’s parents and Sandy are sitting off in a corner chatting, but the rest of them have gone. Jenna comes over and Adam tugs her back to him and wraps his arm around her shoulder.
“Tell me you didn’t put me anywhere near Jord or Nick,” I plead.
“Would we be that cruel?” Jenna rolls her eyes. “You’re over near the forest, if that is okay?”
“Good enough for me.”
“There are some instructors around tomorrow,” Jenna says. “Snorkelling and a tour through the caves on the other side of the island, if you’re interested.”
“Sounds good.”
She fills me in on plans for dinner and drinks later and they move to sit with their parents. I head outside and find a guy with a golf cart.
The drive takes us down a winding stone path that leads to the villas. As we pass, I notice the buildings, set back off the main beach, surrounded by plants and trees. They’re spaced out for maximum privacy.
I check my phone as we drive and let dad know I’ve arrived. Doesn’t matter how old we get, dad always likes to know we’re safe when we travel. I snap a few pictures and send them to my brothers to make them jealous.
My villa is set in its own lush grounds and after tipping the driver, I go inside and find my luggage waiting for me. The room is all polished wood, with clean lines and large open spaces, minimal with expensive furnishings.
There is a distinct bedroom area and a living area, but it’s one big open room. I walk out to the back deck where there’s a small lap pool, outdoor bed and shower with a great view of the ocean. It’s fucking amazing, no doubt about it.
I grab myself a drink from the bar and strip off my top, settling on a lounger. I should put on some sunscreen, but I’m too tired to get up and don’t plan on sitting out here long.
After a shower, unpacking everything and taking a nap, I change and head back for dinner. It’s nice, everyone laughing and chatting, the food is delicious, and the booze is flowing. But again, one by one, people disappear back to their villas.
I hang around at the bar for a while shooting the shit with Jordan. He’s antsy for Alessa to arrive and when she calls to update him, he heads off, giving me a filthy grin as he asks her to video call and show him her tits. Dirty fucker. I hear a string of angry Ukrainian, which makes me think Alessa is giving him shit for that comment. Serves him right.
After a while, when the sky is dark with a few bright stars, I thank the staff and head out. They offer to drop me as my villa is the furthest from the main building, but I wave them off, deciding to walk. It’s a nice night and there is no danger out here.
Strolling along the sand, the waves lapping around my ankles, I try to think positively. I have everything I could ever want. I’ve got myself convinced I don’t need a woman to make me happy. If anything, being around women makes me miserable.
I pause and push my hands into my pockets staring at the dark water. My mind wanders back to the interview in Canada, and all the other places where people keep asking me about my love life.
I’m not sure why people care so much, or what it would mean if I got a steady girlfriend. Although, one thing it will do is keep them off my back.
I don’t know if I’ll ever find a woman I’m willing to be with long term. Jenna will tell me there is someone out there for me who will fit into my life like a missing puzzle piece. I’d tell her she is full of shit if I didn’t think it would upset her.
This place though, seeing all the couples, it’s making me feel as if I am missing out on something. I would never have it with Madison. It wasn’t that kind of relationship even before she did what she did.
I have got to stop thinking about her.
A buzzing sound interrupts my thoughts, and I look up at the sky. The lights of a plane break the darkness and I frown. Adam said no one else was arriving today. Fuck, has someone figured us out and is circling to spy on us?
I walk back the way I came. The staff will know how to chase these assholes off. When I arrive, Bart is waiting by a golf cart as a driver hurries towards him. They’re going to collect someone?
“Mr Harris,” Bart looks at me in surprise. “I wasn’t aware any guests were still here. I apologise if the incoming plane disturbed you.”
“No, don’t worry, I was out walking. You’re expecting the plane?” I look up as it circles, heading towards the landing strip, a little further away from where we are now.
“A guest arriving early,” Bart explains. “It wasn’t scheduled, but she made arrangements to get here before the flight tomorrow. She was intending to stay in a hotel on the mainland and called to ask for information, so we agreed to bring her over this evening.”
Adam is paying enough money for this. I guess they want to keep him happy.
“Are you sure it’s not paparazzi?”