Page 45 of The Sounds of Her
“Your mom called,” he sighs.
Shit. Mom might think she is being clever going to my boss. What she doesn’t realise is I’m close with Steve. He has no loyalty to my mother. I never had any intention of working at dad’s firm. It pissed mom off because it is one less way she can control my life.
Any guilt I felt earlier is gone after this.
“I’ll deal with it, whatever she is telling you or asking you.”
“You need to be careful,” Steve says.
My stomach drops and I shift in my seat. “Oh?”
“She insinuated you might leave us. I know that isn’t true. At least I hope it isn’t.”
“Of course it isn’t.” I put a hand to my forehead and close my eyes. Now she’s messing with my job? “I have no intention of leaving to go work for my father. That was what she alluded to?”
“Yes. We would never want to lose you, Brooke.”
“You won’t, I promise. I’ll have a word with her, get her to back off. Trust me Steve, my career is with Atkinson and Earl. I’ve put my heart and soul into my position there.”
“I told Rob that was the case.”
Rob Earl is the other partner at my firm. I don’t get on with him as well as I do with Steve, but he respects and appreciates me as a good lawyer.
“I’ll deal with it and make sure she doesn’t call you again.”
“How is the vacation going?”
Great until this call. “Perfect, it’s all been amazing so far.”
“Well, enjoy it, you deserve it.”
We say goodbye and I set the phone on the bar. Not for the first time, I consider cutting my parents off. What the hell is wrong with them?
I jump when someone steps up to the bar. Archer nods at me, then asks the server for a beer. He leans his elbows against the countertop and looks over at me.
“Trouble?” he nods at the phone.
How much of that conversation did he hear? He doesn’t strike me as the type to eavesdrop. I try to remember what I said to Steve and if Archer could figure out what was going on. No one will figure this out without being told outright.
“Work,” I say.
“You didn’t clear the vacation time?”
“He had to ask something, he was very apologetic don’t worry.”
“You mind,” he indicates the stool.
I wave a hand to let him know it’s fine, and he sits down beside me. The soft din of laughter, chatting and glasses clinking floats in from outside. I’m not sure why Archer is in here. The servers are bringing out everything we need.
“What are your plans once we all head out?” he asks.
“I’ve got another week here.”
“Alone here?” his brows lift in surprise.
“Not on this island. I have a bungalow booked on the mainland.”
“You won’t get lonely?” he tilts his head again.