Page 102 of Reckless
“Find a different direction then,” he says.
“Can’t blame a girl for trying.” Ivy licks her lips as she turns back to me.
I feel nothing but disgust. She is supposed to be a professional. I shrug like what Fisher says goes and don’t answer.
She asks me some fluff questions about music, the things I’m enjoying while on the break and if I’m excited to get back to touring. I answer it all, some less truthfully than others, but do it with a pleasant expression and tone. When we’re done, I get up and remove the mic pack and hand it over to the cameraman.
Fisher ushers me over to the far side of the room, out of earshot of the camera crew. Luther is making sure they’re packing up the equipment, and that Ivy isn’t getting too near.
“I thought that went okay,” he says. “I’ll make sure they remove all the shit we told her not to bring up. You did good.”
“Can I leave?”
His squirrelly eyes flick to Luther and back again, who has approached us.
“What?” I ask, suspicious.
“You’re not coming back to LA? The two weeks you were given are up.”
Why in the fuck is he saying this shit? “No one gave me any time limit, Fisher. We’re taking three months away from the band. Where I go and what I do with my time is nothing to do with you or Quicksilver.”
“Luther, I thought you told him?” Fisher turns to my bodyguard.
Luther glares at Fisher. “What I told you,” he says in a low voice. “I work for Mr. Smallwood, not you, not Quicksilver.”
Ivy moves towards us, and looks between the three of us, and senses the tension. I’m supposed to be putting the world at ease. To deflect, I give her one of my panty-melting grins. It works, but now I have to speak to her, instead of finding out what the hell Fisher is talking about.
Just when I was thinking the guy wasn’t as bad as we all thought. He goes to take a phone call while Luther stands nearby, watching.
“I have a room here.”
Here we go. Why does she have to be so damn predictable? Did she only get into the profession to get close to celebrities? It’s kind of sad. But I have no fucking interest in going anywhere with her.
“That’s great. I hear it’s a nice town. You should enjoy the sights while you’re here.”
That isn’t what she wanted to hear, but she goes in for the kill, not ready to give up. Or thinking I may have misunderstood her meaning.
“I’m saying if you wanted to get a drink in private, then I’ll be more than happy to do that for you.” Her eyes lower down my body, and she lightly touches the edge of her blouse, running her fingers over it so it opens wider, showing more of her cleavage.
All I can think about is Krista. Nothing this woman says or does, or tries to show me, interests me.
“Jude, the car is waiting,” Luther steps between us.
“Oh,” Ivy flushes.
“Thanks for the interview. It was great,” I say with a smile and walk past her when Luther ushers me along. The smile drops as soon as she can no longer see me. I don’t bother saying goodbye to Fisher, just leave with Luther.
We’re in the elevator alone when he speaks. “That was pointless.”
I snort a laugh. “It appeased the label. How did she find out about Minneapolis?”
“Those guys still posted stories, but they had nothing to back it up. I’m not worried.”
“Okay.” I trust him. He’s saved my ass more than once.
Putting my sunglasses on when we exit the elevator, we walk at a brisk pace across the lobby. The car is waiting for us when we get outside. I didn’t even notice Luther calling down for it to be ready, but that is what he is good at.