Page 128 of Reckless
“Did he tell you what is going on?”
“He did. And I’m fine.” I choose not to tell him we’ve sighted the stalker. I’m hoping she got scared enough to leave. “Where are you?”
“Just leaving O’Hare.”
“You’re in Chicago?”
“Did you think I’d leave you after I found out what was going on?”
“Jude, you’re putting yourself at risk. You can’t come here. You’ll be recognized.”
“Too late. I’m on my way. Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, Jude. Please don’t rush here like a knight in shining armor. It’ll be embarrassing.”
A surprised laugh bursts out of him before he turns serious again. “I can’t not be there.”
“Okay, but just don’t come into the main hall. Riggs can coordinate with Luther, or whatever the hell it is they do, keep yourself safe.”
“Fuck… I love you Krista.”
“If that is true, you’ll listen to me.”
“You drive me crazy.”
“Fine,” he relents. “I’m gonna call Riggs. Be careful.”
“I will. I guess I’ll see you later.”
He grumbles some before saying goodbye. I’m not convinced he’s going to listen. Riggs' phone rings behind me. He can deal with it.
I hurry back to the table and apologize. The queue is long and people seem happy, but there is no sign of Emily. That isn’t normal.
I fire off a quick text to ask where she is. Then I watch the screen compulsively every few minutes for the next fifteen, but nothing comes back. The unease returns. I look back at Riggs. He finished his call with Jude a while ago. His body straightens as he looks at me. He can tell something is wrong.
It’s probably nothing. I stand up and search the room. I’m not sure if I’m looking for the crazy woman or Emily more. The people in the line are looking at me now. Riggs comes over and leans in close.
“What’s wrong?”
“My assistant. Emily. She should be here. She isn’t answering my texts.”
His jaw clenches again.
“She wouldn’t know Emily. She has no reason to…”
I can’t even say it. But as I think it, I realize I’m wrong. If she’s been watching me, she’s seen Emily. Surely she isn’t in any danger.
“Riggs,” I turn to him. Finally, the fear takes hold of me.
He’s torn about leaving to find her. I make a snap decision. My friend’s safety means more to me than signing some books. I apologize profusely to the people in the queue and call over a volunteer. I don’t even recall what I say, something about an emergency, then I’m running out of the hall with Riggs right behind me.
As we get to the lobby, three police officers walk in and hurry to the reception. There is a woman with them, waving her hands as the hotel staff tries to calm her down.
“Riggs,” I breathe out in fear.
“Stay close, okay,” he walks over to the nearest cop. I can’t hear what he is saying, but the cop doesn’t look as if he wants to talk to him. Instead of listening to them, I head over to the frantic woman.