Page 133 of Reckless
Sol is sitting on the couch, lightly rubbing a hand over her belly. She’s changed into comfy, loose clothes and flip-flops and although she looks tired, she has a serene smile on her face. Ethan is across the room, but he’s watching her.
He’s been arguing with her the past few days about being in the delivery room. Sol is horrified at the thought of her brother seeing her ‘hoo har,’ as she put it. Since finding out she’s pregnant and the baby can hear, she’s cleaned up her vocabulary.
If anyone else swears around her, we get a wrist slap or a dirty look if she can’t be bothered getting up to chastise us physically.
“Not in a million years,” Paul says with a slow nod. “Knocked up, practically married, and a delusional moron who thinks he’s the next Mary Poppins.”
“Hey,” Ethan shouts. “And what does that make you?”
“The only sensible one,” Paul leans back against the wall with a smirk.
I don’t say a damn thing about Paul’s assessment of me. Maybe because if I open my mouth, then they’ll figure it out. I’m surprised none of them have noticed me compulsively checking my bag because I’m scared the damn ring is going to fall out. Which would mean my plan for our return visit to the Badlands will fail epically.
Sure, people might think this is too fast. We still live in different cities, but both of us have jobs where we can spend time at the others place, without worrying about it.
Considering she stole my beating heart right out of my chest within moments of meeting her, proposing seven months later, isn’t that out there? Right?
I come out of my thoughts to Paul slapping fists with Ethan, then leaning over to kiss Solene.
“You’re flying back tonight?” I ask.
“Yeah, got plans.”
None of us have met this guy Paul is shacking up with. He has every right to keep it to himself, especially given he hasn’t let the world at large know his sexuality. He’s never kept someone from the rest of us before, which only makes me think this is serious. There is nothing like keeping your crazy friends away from someone you really care about, so they don’t drive them away.
“Good luck,” Paul says to me as he opens the door.
“With what?” I ask.
He just laughs. The door closes behind him as he walks away. I look back at the other two. Sol is watching me, contemplating whether to say anything.
“Bro,” Ethan gets up and reaches into his back pocket.
When he pulls out the ring box that should be in my fucking bag, I spring across the room and jump on him. Ethan shrieks and bats at me. I will not hit him, but what the ever-loving fuck is he doing going into my bag?
“Boys! Stop it right now.”
“Oh, you got that mom voice down, sis,” Ethan laughs. He swats at me and pushes me away, handing me the ring box.
“You’re a prick,” I say, checking the ring is still inside, then shoving it into the pocket of my jacket.
“Solllllll, he swore.”
She rolls her eyes and I shove Ethan, just as the door opens and Krista walks in. She eyes me and Ethan in the corner, ignores us and goes to sit with Sol. They’ve become friends over the last couple of months.
Sol was standoffish at first, saying she had to make sure Krista was worthy. My girl won her over. She’s by herself, so I guess everyone else has headed home or off to party. Ethan is the only one who will join them.
“Keep your mouth shut,” I warn Ethan.
“What do you take me for?” he shrugs.
I won’t answer that. I head over to my bag. While Krista is talking with Sol, I take the ring and push it back in, zipping it up so no one else can steal it. It’s time to leave. I arranged this date in the east of Montana so we can get to the Badlands National Park in time for the sunrise.
“Sol, if you need help, call me.” I grab my bag.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Ethan flips me off. It’s his way of getting around the no swearing rule. The baby can’t see. “She has all the help she needs right here.”