Page 94 of Reckless
“The itinerary.”
“Yeah?” she pauses for me to come in line with her.
I fix some hair that has blown across her cheek. It’s tied up but her ponytail is so long. If she hadn’t been so skittish about the guys being outside, I’d have made her tie it up like that, and held on to it while I fucked her from behind. Shit, that is something to think about for later.
“Jude?” she nudges my stomach. Her expression says she can see where my mind is going.
“Sorry,” I blatantly adjust my cock and wink when she widens her eyes. “So, you still have about three weeks before you need to get to Chicago for the convention?” She nods. “How do you feel about getting there a week earlier?”
That she asks so matter of fact makes me grin. “You’ve been driving around for over a month now and when you get to Chicago, it sounds like it’s gonna be a crazy three days. Then you have to drive all the way back to California. So, I was thinking we could get a hotel the week before, and take a proper break.”
“Well, you can go alone if you want, but I was thinking it would be more fun with me there.” I step close and pull her into me.
“What would we do for a week?”
“Use your imagination,” I grip her ass. She glances around to make sure no one is looking but melts against me, tipping her head up.
I’ve had her all to myself, mostly. If we’re separating at Chicago, I want to spend as much time as I can with her and convince her it won’t be so bad if we stay in touch. Or… more. I’ve already successfully convinced her to let me stay with her for the entire journey to Chicago.
She lowers her head and looks to the side. Fuck, have I read this whole thing wrong?
“You deserve a break from all the driving, and cleaning out toilet waste. I want to treat you. With Riggs and Luther around, we can go out too, someplace nice.”
“I don’t need you to buy me things or take me places to enjoy being with you, Jude.”
Another thing about her I’m falling for.
“So, we’ll stay in the room. Think about it. I can make arrangements while we carry on with the trip.”
“Alright, yes or alright you’ll think about it.”
“I’ll think about it,” she kisses my jaw, then squeezes my cock before pulling back and walking away.
That ponytail thing is so happening tonight.
Chapter 23
We spend three days in and around Superior National Forest. I think Jude is fully converting to the great outdoors. As someone who spent most of his time between LA and a tour bus, even if he has gone all over the world while doing it, he’s enjoying seeing this more laid back, natural side to the world.
Jude has bought proper hiking gear because his boots and sneakers aren’t that comfortable for long walks. Seeing his transformation from the guy who first walked into the field where I stopped overnight has been amazing.
I didn’t know him before, but I didn’t need to, to see how much good this is doing him. I worry about him going back to his old life. Will he revert? Or will he be invigorated and ready to get back to it with a different outlook.
I keep catching him looking at me and my heart beats a little faster every time. We’ve been so insular, just the two of us for long periods of time, I’m beginning to wonder if my head is warped. If I’m romanticizing this because I don’t have any outside influences.
Not that anyone can sway me but sometimes, you need advice from others. I think I need advice.
His offer to spend a week in Chicago with me was a surprise. Not an unwelcome one, but one I have to be cautious about. It’s right before this is due to end, and he will leave. It’s one thing traveling, enjoying the places we stop, enjoying each other, but… That’s different.
That’s his real life. Where will I fit into that? Even if he is starting to feel something for me, as I am for him, I don’t know how we can make it work. Our lifestyles are so different. He might think I understand it because I am semi-well known, but it’s nothing like the scale of his fame.
Santa Ana is less than an hour away from LA, but he won’t always be in LA.