Page 10 of Holding Her Heart
Okay, that sounded as though Aster was looking for sympathy, but it wasn’t like that. She was content with her own company; she always had been. While Grace was pining after Mia, Aster went home each night and relaxed. She didn’t have anyone to answer to, nobody demanding anything of her, and it worked.
“I see very good things with you around.” Eden returned to her seat, smiling as the bartender brought their drinks. “Thank you.”
Aster had to change the subject. When Eden told her things like that, it only made that attraction grow. Completely unrealistic and unfounded attraction. “Why event planning?”
“I’d like to say I had this big epiphany when I was younger, how I’d always seen myself doing this, but that would be a lie. I saw a market for it, took a chance with numerous loans, and it paid off for me. Thankfully, I love what I do. Especially nights like this when I see the smile my clients are wearing.”
Aster focused on the smile Eden was wearing. And then her eyes dipped to Eden’s full lips, her light makeup, her neckline… “N-nice.”
“People will always want to celebrate something. Birthdays, weddings, christenings. You name it, there’s a celebration for it. And over the last ten years or so, it’s only gotten more lucrative. You wouldn’t believe the price people will pay for a baby shower or a christening.”
“I can imagine. I’ve seen the pictures on social media.”
“But it’s weddings that I thrive on. I love them.” Aster noted the way Eden’s eyes lit up. It only made them all the more enticing. “You know, seeing the love two people have for one another. That happily ever after. Isn’t it what we all want?”
“I…guess so,” Aster told Eden what she assumed she wanted to hear. “Are those plans on the horizon for you and Liam?”
Eden cast her gaze on the table, offering a wry smile. “Not likely.”
“No?” Aster asked, aware that she could be overstepping. “Tell me to mind my own business…”
“Actually, it’s nice to sit here and talk like normal people do. If I’m not working, I’m with him. If I’m not with him or working, I’m at home pottering about.”
Eden didn’t appear to be too happy with that.
“Liam is…different. Sort of. I don’t know.” Eden ran a hand through her hair. Aster was mesmerised as it fell back into place. “I mean, he’s nice. But he demands so much. He called me tonight while I was working to ask how long I’d be. Said he’d made plans for us.”
“He didn’t know you were working?”
“Oh, he knew. He has my schedule. But he likes to try to take things out of my hands and then seems to be offended and pissed off when I can’t make it.”
Aster snorted. “This is why I’m single.”
“I did wonder…”
“If I was single?” Aster didn’t recall that having any bearing on her potential position at The Garden of Eden.
“Yes. This job can be demanding, especially when wedding season arrives. I wanted you to be prepared for that.”
“Oh, it’s fine. Even if I did meet someone, they’d probably leave me within a week.”
“You have a very bad habit of putting yourself down.”
“Self-deprecation. I’m aware that I do it.” Aster smiled, finishing her second whiskey. “So, what’s going on for the rest of the night with you?”
“Nothing whatsoever.” Eden sunk back in her seat, crossing her legs. “You?”
“Not much. It’s been a while since I sat in a bar with someone else. It’s nice.”
Eden turned her watch towards herself, glancing back up at Aster as she quirked an eyebrow. “Fancy one or two more? I have nowhere to be in the morning.”
Aster grinned. “I…would.”
“You’re sure I’m not keeping you from anything?”
“Then I’m getting a bottle of champagne for us. We should celebrate you joining the team.”