Page 13 of Holding Her Heart
“Usual Sunday night out with the team, but sure. Come over and get ready with us, and we’ll talk.”
“You’re sure?” Aster wrinkled her nose. “I don’t want to get in the way if you have plans beforehand.”
“We don’t.”
“Okay, well—” Aster cut herself off when she spotted someone who looked like Eden standing alone. Blair was here, she was talking with a supporter Aster didn’t recognise, but Eden looked…distracted. “I’ll be back in a few, okay?”
Mia nodded, turning back to the other players who were soaked to the bone beside her. The rain hadn’t lessened today.
As Aster cleared her throat and glanced down her body, checking she looked presentable, she sidled up beside Eden, nudging her arm. “Didn’t expect to see you here…”
“Oh, hi.” Eden frowned, clearly in a world of her own. “I didn’t know you were coming today.”
“I’m here most weekends. And I couldn’t miss today’s quarterfinal. Grace would kill me with her huge, bare, goalkeeper hands.”
Eden wore a shy smile, holding up her umbrella. “How are you feeling this morning?”
“Tired, but otherwise fine. You?”
“I know you wanted to walk home last night, but I couldn’t let you. I’m sorry. And I know I probably overstepped when I decided to call that cab, but I wanted you to get home safe.”
“Thank you for being so concerned. I got ahead of myself. I’d enjoyed some good company again, so thanks for entertaining me week in, week out.”
“Any time,” Aster said, shrugging like it didn’t mean a thing. But deep down, it meant a lot. She’d distanced herself as much as she could last night, but the more time they spent together, and the closer Eden sat to her, the more Aster struggled to keep her thoughts platonic.
“We have a team meeting on Tuesday if you could come along. To go over the schedule for next month. I meant to tell you last night.”
“Tuesday, yes.” Aster nodded, studying Eden’s profile as she focused back on the game. Her boss seemed…distant. Aster hoped it was just Eden’s hangover, but she got the impression that wasn’t the case. “What time?”
“Great. I’ll be there.”
Eden seemed to drift off into her own world again, so Aster would let her be.
“I’ll…get out of your way.”
“Oh, don’t feel like you need to leave. I’m only here to support Dom.”
“Forgive me for being nosey, but is there a reason you’re not standing with Blair?”
“She’s…talking.” Eden glanced over her shoulder. Aster followed, only to find Blair staring back at them. Aster smiled, and Blair returned a half-hearted one. “Or she was.”
“Okay, well, I’ll let you guys get back to whatever you usually talk about at the game. I’ll catch up with the girls. Take care, okay?”
“I will. See you Tuesday.” Eden didn’t make eye contact with Aster. She wouldn’t usually be concerned, but after the night they’d had last night, generally enjoying one another’s company, Aster at least expected a little more from Eden.
“Bye then.”
Eden nodded, her hand gripping her umbrella. “Bye.”
* * *
“Okay, what’s going on with you?” Blair tugged at Eden’s arm as she headed for her car, stopping her dead in her tracks. This wasn’t worth discussing. It sounded ridiculous enough in Eden’s head. “Something is wrong. Talk to me.”
Eden turned back, smiling a fake smile. “Nothing, why?”