Page 34 of Holding Her Heart
“That’s not cool you know, Eden.” Blair gave her a knowing look. “I know you’re here with all of us, but you’ve been invited. You’re a guest. You have no right to play with her feelings like that. It’s not your place to flirt with the lesbians. Not if it doesn’t mean a thing to you.”
“What are you talking about?” Eden swayed. She knew she shouldn’t have had that last shot. “I’m not playing with anyone’s feelings.”
“Do you know?” Blair asked. “Do you know and you’re trying to cause a reaction?”
Did Eden know what? This was all…confusing. “I don’t know where you’re going with this, but you’ve lost me.”
“You need to back off. Maybe stop coming here with me. I shouldn’t have invited you tonight.”
That hurt. It really hurt.
“You know what, forget it. Forget all of this.” Eden needed her belongings and then she would be on her way home. “You’ve changed since you met Dom. And you know I love you both, but I don’t like this. You’re not you anymore.”
“I think you need to take a look at yourself, Ede’s. You’re the one throwing yourself at people in a gay bar. I told you not to push it, and I told you she was into you. But you wouldn’t listen.”
“What? You’ve never once told me Fi was into me. And correct me if I’m wrong, but she’s into everyone.”
“I…I’m not talking about Fi.” Blair cast her eyes on the floor.
“Okay, then I’m even more lost than I was before.”
Blair threw her hands up. “It’s Aster, okay? She’s trying so hard to not be into you, and God love her, it’s breaking my heart.”
Eden’s world stopped momentarily. They’d been here before with this conversation, but it had never been so intense. So…confrontational. “You keep saying this, but if you opened your fucking eyes, you’d see that Aster has a date.”
“And if you opened your fucking eyes, you’d see that she is trying to protect herself and let you go.”
No. This was complete rubbish. “No. That’s not right.”
“Except it is. She told me a few weeks ago.” Blair swallowed hard. “I know I should have told you, but I thought it would all fizzle out.”
“Well, it clearly has.” Eden scoffed. “She’s on a date with someone.”
Blair’s right eye twitched as she focused on Eden. “You seem bothered by that.”
“I’m not. Why would I be?”
“You’re not being honest with me. And if you can't do that with your best friend…then there’s no hope for any of this.” Blair walked away, turning back momentarily. “You need to decide what you want. If it’s Aster, you need to move your arse and stop denying how you feel. I’ve asked you on multiple occasions, but you keep shooting me down. I know you though, and I think you forget that.”
“I don’t want to know anymore.” Blair held up both hands. “But if you continue with this, you’re going to break her heart and lose the one thing you want all at once. And to think I was worried about her hurting you. I’ve been trying to protect you because you’re sweet, and my closest friend, and I know that you’d feel dreadful if she got too close and you had to let her down.”
“Blair, I—”
“Go home, sweetie. This place really isn’t where you should be.”
Eden cleared her throat as Blair welcomed her into her home. Four nights ago, she’d discovered that Aster was attracted to her, but Eden’s mind hadn’t quite taken control of the fact yet. She’d gotten her handbag and coat and left the club quickly after Blair’s little outburst on the street.
And until now, she’d laid low. It seemed easier. Nothing had to be done at the office, and after taking a few days on sick leave, Eden was finally prepared to sit down and talk to Blair. She knew it was too late, Aster was dating another woman, but discussing it could be good for Eden. A kind of closure she hadn’t expected she’d need. And if nothing else, Blair may be able to explain why Eden was feeling the way she was.
“Did you want a coffee or something stronger?”
Eden knew she would be wise to insist on something stronger, but she wasn’t sure what would come out of her mouth if she had liquid courage.