Page 4 of Holding Her Heart
“I’m serious. I have to oversee everything on Saturday. I have to be at the hotel for 8 a.m. The last thing I need is a hangover tomorrow.”
“Don’t worry. This is a catch up. No alcohol will be consumed.”
“Oh, no. I need a glass of wine. But I don’t want a bottle.” Eden shoved Blair towards their table, laughing as they slid into their booth. “Now, tell me how my beautiful Harold is doing…”
“He’d kill you if he heard you calling him Harold.”
Eden knew he would. But she still called Blair’s son by his birth name when Harry wasn’t around. “How’s he getting on?”
“Really well. He’s rehearsing for some major production they’re putting on. He’s settled this year. It’s lovely knowing he’s okay. And he has Jack, of course.”
“Have you thought that maybe he doesn’t worry about you anymore?”
Blair lowered her eyes to the menu. “I wish he’d never had to worry about me. But he’s my son, and he loves me. I guess I would be worried if he didn’t show some concern.”
“But he loves Dom now. And I know he had a bit of a wobble about it, but he wanted what was best for you, Blair. You can’t complain about that.”
“No, I know. He was on FaceTime with Dom this morning. I was in the shower. I don’t know what the hell they were talking about, but I came into the bedroom to find Dom rolling around the bed, laughing.”
“I love how much they get on,” Eden said, glancing at her phone to the side of her. “And I want to continue this, but I need to sort out Saturday. Would you give me five minutes?”
“Who are you going to bring in instead?” Blair eyed the handset cradled by Eden’s fingers.
Eden smiled. “Aster. Hopefully.”
“So, it worked out well when you asked her to step in the other week?”
“It did. She’s so good, Blair. I don’t know why Dom didn’t mention her sooner. She was at the office on Monday, and it was lovely meeting her.”
“I don’t suppose Dom thought you were looking for more staff.”
“I’m meeting with her tomorrow. I didn’t say what it was about, but she’s freelance, and I was considering asking her to join my team. Full time.”
“Oh?” Blair quirked an eyebrow.
Eden focused on her phone, smiling when she brought Aster’s contact details up. They’d spoken briefly on the phone on Tuesday evening, and Aster seemed willing to jump on board this weekend for a wedding Eden had booked in. Eden loved the enthusiasm Aster appeared to have. It was refreshing to hear. “She opted for the afternoon when I put this one to her, so I stuck Jay on the morning. Should have known he’d let me down; he usually does.”
“Well, if Jay doesn’t know a good job when he sees it, maybe it’s time he looks for something else. You don’t have the time to piss around with no-shows, Ede’s. You have enough to contend with without all of this.”
“I know. And Aster is very talented.”
Eden looked up at Blair. Why was her best friend wearing a strange look on her face?
“I’ll send her a quick message and then I’m all yours.”
E: Hi. Do you have plans Saturday morning?
As much as Eden wanted Aster on board for the entire day, she wouldn’t disrupt any plans Aster had. After all, it wasn’t her fault Jay had disappeared again.
A: Hi. No plans. What’s up?
E: Are you sure?
A: I’m sure. I don’t make plans when I have to work the same day. Did you need something?
E: Could I interest you in some extra work? Same wedding but all day?
A: Absolutely.