Page 52 of Holding Her Heart
Aster faltered when Eden continued to eye her. She threw a thumb over her shoulder, her entire body heating. “I-I’ll be out here, okay.”
* * *
Eden scanned the club, spying Aster at the bar with Grace. She smiled, watching as Aster wiggled her bum to the beat of the music. This bar was nothing like the last one they’d all gone to, but Eden was enjoying a change of scene. She could certainly see the appeal with Blair and her decision to suddenly love team nights.
Women danced with other women, grinding while they shoved their tongues down one another’s throats. Eden would usually be unnerved by that, public displays of affection wasn’t something she was used to, but tonight she felt different. Because the women who were dancing with one another appeared happy. They were carefree and enjoying their night out. Nobody was sitting around judging anyone else, and that was something Eden could get on board with.
Aster turned, silently offering Eden a drink. Eden lifted her glass; it was still full. She was taking it slow tonight, since she didn’t need anything to go wrong. Mouthing ‘no thank you’ to Aster, Eden turned her attention to her best friend. “This place is great.”
“Babe, this isn’t your scene. You don’t have to pretend.”
“Blair, I’m serious. I like it in here.”
“Okay.” Blair paused, holding up a hand. “This is an actual lesbian bar. Do you realise that?”
“No. I had no idea.” Eden rolled her eyes, sipping her glass of wine. Okay, the wine wasn’t the best she’d had, but she could always change her drink next time around. “Of course I know it’s a lesbian bar. I mean, it’s full of lesbians, so…”
Blair turned in her seat, propping her head in her hand as she smiled at Eden. She hated that smile. Blair was about to talk down to her. “How do you think you identify, love?”
“I don’t know.” Eden really had no idea.
“Could you see yourself dating women for the rest of your life? Do you still find men attractive?”
Eden didn’t know how to explain how she felt. She hadn’t thought about labelling herself. Did she have to? “Blair, I know that I’m attracted to Aster. I haven’t looked at a man or even any other woman since she showed up in the picture, so I couldn’t possibly say. But what I do know, is that sometimes someone comes into your life and makes you feel things in a matter of days…that you never felt in a number of years with anyone else.”
“Oh, honey. You’re preaching to the choir.”
Eden smiled, then lowered her eyes. “I did something stupid before.”
“Aster came over to get ready for tonight. We were in my bedroom, and she mentioned that she preferred a different dress to the one I’d decided on.”
“O…kay.” Blair narrowed her big blue eyes.
“I stripped off in front of her to see if she had any reaction. And now I feel awful for doing that.”
“You stripped off?” Blair barked a laugh, shaking her head. “I have to admit, you’re definitely not what I expected you to be. You’ve always been so…straight.”
“I know this is probably confusing for you, but it is for me, too. I need your support on this, Blair. We’ve been through everything together, and I don’t know my arse from my elbow lately.”
Blair offered a sympathetic smile. “Look, you’re into Aster. So what? Who says you have to conform or fit into one particular box? If you want her, go and get her. Ignore me and anything I say. It’s just taking me a minute to see you like this. To understand that you’re into a woman. But…I support you, okay?”
Eden glanced towards the bar. Aster had gone.
“If you’re looking for her,” Blair whispered as she leaned in, “she’s on the dance floor.”
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.” That admission sent a wave of anxiety through Eden. How could she show Aster how she felt when she didn’t know the first thing about women? “I mean, if that time ever came…what do I do?”
“Trust me, it all falls into place. Don’t even worry about that.”
Eden reddened. She couldn’t believe this was the kind of conversation she was having with Blair lately. “Has Dom mentioned anything about Aster to you?”
“She told me that you and Aster have to figure it all out yourselves. She’s not getting involved, and she’s not being a go between.”
“Smart girl.”