Page 64 of Holding Her Heart
“Honestly, I’m terrified.” Eden dropped to the bed, placing her head in one hand. A cold sweat developed across her skin, the air in the room thick with uncertainty. “What if she wants more tonight? As much as I’d love to get my hands on her, I don’t think I’m there yet.”
“I don’t think Aster is the type of person who wants a shag on the first date. She’s too respectable.”
“But, what if she does?”
Blair laughed. “Then you tell her it’s too soon and that’s that. But I don’t think you need to worry about her dragging you into bed. And if I’m not wrong, she’s probably feeling exactly how you are.”
“You think?”
“I’d be very surprised if she wasn’t.”
“Blair, I really like her. But I mean, really like her. And I know I’m nervous about tonight, but God, I can’t wait to see her.”
“Maybe now she’ll give you that kiss she turned down.”
Eden’s face heated. “That kinda happened already…”
“Oh, it did now?”
“She showed up last Sunday. God, she was breaking my heart with everything she said to me. And it just happened. I told her how I felt, but then she had to leave to visit her dad.”
“Okay. This is good.”
“Why didn’t you tell me how amazing it was kissing a woman? You’ve been keeping that a secret for too long!”
“She’s good then, huh?”
Eden’s insides swirled. “Oh, you’ve no idea.” If Eden had known how last week would have felt, she’d have done it much sooner than now. The longing, the desperate need to be with Aster, it could have been averted. But then wasn’t that part of the thrill? Didn’t it add to the excitement when that time finally arrived? “Tonight is everything I’ve been praying for. I didn’t think I’d see her again. My worst fear was that she’d leave the company and then I’d be left in the dark, but she came back with me last night when we finished working…”
“And it felt so good to be alone with her. She just held me, Blair. We lay on the couch and relaxed with one another.”
“I like her. I think she could be good for you.”
Eden smiled. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“She certainly put me in my place last weekend.”
What did that mean? “How so?”
“I was angry with her when she turned you down. I found her outside talking to Dom, and we may have had words. There was some yelling involved.”
“Blair.” Eden sighed.
“Oh, she held her own. And the only thing she was concerned about was the fact that you’d gone home alone, and you were upset. She didn’t care about what I had to say, which I admire since it’s none of my business, but she was worried about you above all else.”
“I know I’m doing the right thing. Any consequences can be dealt with another time.”
“Consequences?” Blair asked.
“Any that may arise. Family, friends…you know.”
“Honey, they are the least of your worries. If they can’t accept the fact that you’ve fallen for a woman, simply don’t invite them to the wedding.” Blair laughed, and Eden followed. “But in all seriousness, I hope tonight is something beautiful for you both. Enjoy every moment of it.”
Eden exhaled a slow breath. “I only called to ask what dress you think I should wear. But it doesn’t matter. The fact that we’re sharing the evening together is the most important thing.”
“Correct. Call me tomorrow.”