Page 73 of Holding Her Heart
And then the realisation that Aster had told her dad about them hit her. Aster clearly had no plans to walk away from Eden if she’d told someone so important in her life. Eden didn’t know how to feel about that; her own parents had no idea she was even embracing another woman right now.
“He can come home once he’s back on his meds and stable. They don’t know if stopping them has caused any more damage. He’s on IV antibiotics at the minute.”
“He’s in the best place.” Eden pressed a kiss to Aster’s forehead. “I’m glad he’s okay. I saw how upset you were when you rushed from the airport.”
“When Mum died, I didn’t think he would cope. Not only did he have two teenage girls to raise, but a toddler, too. He stepped up, and I’m so proud of everything he did for us. If I lose him, Eden…”
“Hey, now.” Eden enveloped Aster, running her hands through her hair. As her nails gently grazed the back of Aster’s neck, she sighed lightly. “One day at a time, okay?”
“I don’t know about you, but I could eat. Should I go out and get some things in? I don’t suppose either of us have anything in the fridge since we were supposed to be on a sunny island right now.”
“Please, you should get another flight out. There’s no use in us both being here and miserable.”
Eden shrugged. “I’m not miserable. I’m with you, and that’s good enough for me.”
Aster stepped back, chewing her lip. “Did you maybe want to stay over?”
Eden’s palms turned clammy. Yes, they would have been sharing a room in Spain, but this was Aster’s home…and as she looked around, she only found two doors off the main space. One had to be a bathroom, the other a bedroom. So, where exactly would she be sleeping? The couch? The bed? Jesus. Eden’s throat dried at that prospect.
“You don’t have to. I thought since you were here, we could snuggle down on the couch and then fall into bed whenever we want to.”
Eden loved that idea. She loved everything about Aster. “Yes. I’d like to stay over.”
“My place isn’t much. And it’s tiny. But it’s cosy and warm.”
Eden reached out a hand, lacing their fingers together. “I love your home. And I can’t wait to spend the evening with you.”
Aster nodded. “I mean, it’s not a fancy hotel in the heat, but you’re welcome to do anything you need. Make yourself at home. I’ll nip out and grab some things for dinner.”
“We could order in…”
“I’d rather make dinner for you, if that’s okay?” Aster’s eyes held Eden in place, their bodies gently pressing against one another. “It’s the least I can do after you turned down a holiday to be with me.”
“I wasn’t sure if you’d appreciate it or not. I’m sure you have a lot to do with your dad and your family, but I’ll be in the background if you need me, okay?”
Aster cupped Eden’s cheek, leaning in for a kiss. When she did, Eden’s body fired up like never before. It could have been the fact that she was spending the night, or it could have been her body’s response to such a genuine, kind soul, but Eden itched to take this further. She shouldn’t, though. Aster wasn’t in the right frame of mind to give her the attention she would expect in such an intimate moment.
“I don’t want you to be in the background. I want you by my side. You being here means so much to me, Eden. I never for one second thought you would ditch the girls and show up here.”
“I want to be here.”
Aster dipped her head, creating a slight space between them. “So, I’m going to leave.” She cleared her throat. “Because if I don’t, I’m going to show you my gratitude in other ways, and well…”
Eden’s blood travelled south, her skin flushed.
“Anything in mind you want?”
“Surprise me.” Her voice hoarse, Eden grabbed her bags and dropped them on the couch. “I’ll get some things out while you’re gone. Maybe take a shower if that’s okay?”
“Do whatever you need to do. Fresh towels are in the cupboard in the bathroom. Put whatever you need in my bedroom, take over my space.” Something changed in Aster’s facial expression, and then she shook her head.
“What is it?”
“Nothing. It’s stupid.” Aster blushed.
Eden took a step forward, gripping Aster’s waist. Her hands had never been so busy before, that desperate need to be touching Aster becoming more noticeable each day. “Tell me.” She dipped her head, capturing Aster’s lips. “I want to know what you’re thinking.”