Page 99 of Holding Her Heart
Eden instinctively reached out her arms to save Aster, smiling when they collided. “I really don’t want any broken bones in here. Maybe you should wear nonslip socks if you’re going to be here until late in the evening. At least then I can go home with the knowledge that you’re safe.”
“Babe, have I been neglecting you?”
Eden almost burst out laughing, but Aster had a deadly serious look in her eyes. Did she honestly believe that? Wow.
“No, you haven’t. Work is important to you. Getting it right the first time around is what you thrive on. And I understand that.” Eden lifted her hand, settling it against Aster’s cheek. “I’m so proud of you, you know.”
Eden smiled. Aster still had issues with taking praise. “You’ve become invaluable here. Clients love you, my team thinks you’re Jesus, and I know how hard it is for you to accept that, but I am. I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you.” Aster blushed, pulling away from Eden.
“Uh, where are you going? I wasn’t done looking at your gorgeous face.”
Aster held up a hand as she bent towards her computer screen. A few clicks of the mouse and the screen turned black. “I’m done.” She slipped her pumps on and grabbed her camera bag from the desk in the window, turning back to Eden and smiling fully. “So, how about we head out of here and make dinner together?”
“You’re…done?” Eden’s heart jumped at the prospect of walking out of here with Aster. But that happened more often than not lately. Just the thought of climbing into bed alone was enough to ruin her entire day.
“I wanted to spend the weekend with you. Unless you had plans?”
“Oh, no. I want you to spend the weekend with me. Get your crap and let’s go.”
Aster stalked towards Eden with a smirk plastered on her mouth.
For the first time in weeks, Eden knew exactly the weekend she would have. Alone with Aster was a different kind of special. Just being in the same room as Aster had Eden’s blood pumping harder through her veins. Really, she could barely remember a time when Aster wasn’t making her feel that way.
“Let’s go, pretty lady. I’m going to lie on the couch and snuggle the shit out of you for the next two days.”
Eden’s fingers laced with Aster’s, a content sigh slipping from her mouth. In an ideal world, Aster would never leave Eden’s place. She was beginning to understand Blair’s reasons for lack of social interaction since she met Dom. Eden would happily lock the world outside and spend forever with this woman.
But for now, the weekend would do just fine.
* * *
Aster watched Eden as she perched herself on the kitchen island. Dinner was cooking, and Eden was sipping wine while she went through a recipe they would try together tomorrow, her gorgeous dark hair dragged over one shoulder to expose her delectable jawline. You’re one lucky bastard, Aster Bennett.
In the three months or so that they’d been together, Aster felt pure bliss coursing through her veins from the moment she woke up. Now that Angela seemed more enthusiastic about their relationship, Eden had no qualms when it came to telling people she had a girlfriend. Some friends had looked at her funny, others had rolled their eyes and laughed, but Eden didn’t appear to have a single care in the world when it came to those people. A couple of family members seemed pretty vocal about it, a lack of contact from them ever since, but Aster struggled to care. If Eden was happy, so was she.
It would be easy to give into the pressure Eden likely felt when it came to suddenly dating a woman at the age of 42, but Aster believed that Eden knew exactly what she wanted, and this was anything but a phase. With the way she felt about Eden and the way Eden looked at her, it couldn’t possibly be anything of the kind. No, it was love. Without a doubt.
Now Aster just had to pluck up the courage to tell Eden that. But fear of her running still sat at the back of her mind more often than she would like. She’s not going to run. But she could. And then Aster would find herself in a position she’d never been in before. Heartbroken.
“Okay,” Eden paused as she spun around. “Did you want to make this with beef or chicken?”
“I don’t mind.” And Aster really didn’t. So long as she was cooking with Eden, she’d eat whatever was put on a plate in front of her. “What do you think?”
“Well, we’re having chicken tonight, so…beef?”
Aster nodded, smiling as she studied every inch of Eden’s face. She itched to reach out and touch her skin, to tell her just how in love she was, but Eden was looking at her funny. “What?”
“Beef? Yay or nay?”
“Beef is fine. Looking forward to it.”
Eden set her wine glass down and came to rest between Aster’s legs. “You seem in your own head. Is everything okay?”
“Why wouldn’t everything be okay? I’m spending the weekend with you.” Aster wrapped her arms around Eden’s shoulders, cocking her head.