Page 19 of The Hideout
“Well, I’m available for coffee outside of work whenever you’d like that.” Juliet winked and got to her feet.
As she did so, her robe separated, exposing white lace lingerie. She took the cups from the table, smiled back at Paige, and turned her back. And thank God she had done so because all Paige could picture as Juliet sauntered away was that gorgeous woman, naked and moaning beneath her.
“I’ll see myself out.” On shaky legs, Paige got to her feet and made a beeline for the door. “See you tonight, Juliet.”
“You will. And I look forward to it.”
Chapter 6
Paige scanned the menu in a local coffee shop, undecided as to what she should treat herself to. Today marked a week since she’d been given the job at The Hideout, and the sun was shining. What more could Paige want other than fine coffee and good weather?
Maybe she could find out Juliet’s coffee order for future reference. It might be nice to turn up at work with something different. But then Paige scoffed to herself. Juliet wouldn’t be interested in a specialty coffee.
Wouldn’t she?
Paige was under no illusion that Juliet looked at her in a particular way, but perhaps that was just the kind of woman her boss was. Flirtatious and sure of herself. She’d already commented on the fact that she was enamoured by Paige, but she couldn’t understand why. Paige was just…Paige. She hadn’t done anything extraordinary in her life, and she didn’t imagine she ever would. Still, that confidence that seeped from Juliet was contagious for Paige. But it only left her longing for a meaningful relationship here with Juliet. Not as a couple, Paige would never be that lucky, but good friends could work. If only that time wouldn’t come when Paige had to run again.
“I’ll take a large brown sugar oat shaken espresso, please.” Paige handed over some cash, smiling at the barista. “Thanks.”
“It’ll be at the end in a few minutes.”
She nodded, slowly strolling to the end of the counter. Liverpool was bustling today, with friends, family, and lovers laughing as they sat around drinking their drink of choice. One or two people sat alone, contemplating their day, but overall, it was a sight to behold. Paige didn’t have the beauty of seeing this back at home. People kept to themselves unless it was to poke their noses in business that didn’t concern them.
“Could I get a large brown sugar oat shaken espresso, please.”
Paige frowned, side-eyeing the customer at the counter. Juliet chatted away to the barista as she paid for her drink, and then her eyes found Paige’s.
“Oh, hi. Fancy seeing you here.” Juliet sidled up beside Paige, grinning. “Is my coffee terrible?”
“At the bar?” Paige asked, and Juliet nodded. “No, your coffee is great.”
“Then why are you here drinking this franchise coffee?”
“Because it’s filled with sugar and I wanted to treat myself?”
Juliet winked, and then that laugh lit Paige up inside. “Perfect answer. The same reason I’m here.”
Paige fell silent as Juliet rummaged around in her handbag that hung off her shoulder. She watched her boss, trying desperately not to grin too much. She still had an image of Juliet in her head from last week when they’d had coffee. At least she was wearing clothes this time. Although, that wasn’t necessarily what Paige wanted. Juliet looked good enough to eat as she’d sat there in her robe. It also wasn’t hard to imagine how she’d look out of it. Stop!
“What?” Juliet frowned when she looked up at Paige.
Paige’s brows drew together. “Um, sorry?” Oh, God. She hadn’t said that out loud, had she? Panic rose from the pit of her stomach.
“You’re staring…”
“S-sorry. I was appreciating your blazer.” Paige cleared her throat, aware that she was lying through her teeth. Think of something convincing. “The trim is lovely.” Jesus. That was a piss poor attempt.
“You were appreciating my blazer?” Juliet had that playful look in her eyes, Paige’s belly fluttering as she continued to watch her, her eyes now narrowed. “Thank you?”
“Welcome.” Paige silently cringed at her lack of flirting game. Part of her knew she should fight it off, but being around Juliet just felt so good. Paige wanted there to be more times. “Any plans before you open the bar?”
“No. I was just going to walk down to the river and keep myself busy. You?”
Paige shoved one hand in her pocket when she took her drink from the counter. “No. Nothing planned.” She took a step back, giving the other customers room to wait, and smiled. “I guess I’ll see you in a few hours then.”
Juliet took her own drink and followed Paige out onto the pavement. “You could join me. If you wanted to?”