Page 29 of The Hideout
Paige laced her fingers with Juliet’s, turning her body fully to Juliet. “I love your determination, your enthusiasm too, but no. Call Rachel and make things right with one another. Tell her what she means to you and spend the evening together. God knows one of us may as well be having some fun, and I know it’ll never be me.”
“But nothing, Juliet.”
* * *
Paige was going to hate her for this, but Juliet couldn’t pass up on the opportunity to hear her play one final time. That voice, she’d dreamt about it once or twice since the first time she’d heard it. The pain in it, but also the peacefulness too. There was no denying that Paige was in some kind of trouble—she was constantly running away—but Juliet knew Paige would never trust her enough to confide in her. She prayed it could be different, but she had to understand coming from Paige’s point of view.
Juliet was a complete stranger.
She’d positioned herself to be out of Paige’s line of sight, but for she, herself, to have an unspoilt view through the small number of tables separating them. Juliet lifted her glass and sipped her wine slowly as Paige walked across the floor and took a seat behind the piano just off centre of the stage.
And then that melody reached her ears. Juliet closed her eyes, savouring the image of Paige in a world she loved. Creative, musical, away from the inner turmoil she knew Paige felt. It was all she could do. Fantasise about Paige Harrison.
Her voice came to life as she serenaded the crowd with Sara Bareilles’ 1000 Times, the venue so quiet Juliet could hear her own heart beating. And right now, it was beating only for Paige and her impeccable talent. How was it that a woman she didn’t know, a woman who had given her nothing whatsoever, held a special place in Juliet’s heart? She could consider that she was just dreaming of a life with a significant other, but this wasn’t that. No. Juliet felt Paige crawling further inside her with each moment they spent together. This wasn’t Juliet desperate for something; this was Juliet hoping for Paige.
She looked around the venue, all eyes firmly on the woman behind the piano. Paige looked entirely different this evening with light makeup on and her outfit leaving very little to the imagination. But it wasn’t Paige’s sexuality she was focusing on. It was her undeniable beauty as she poured her heart out via song.
Juliet sunk deeper into her seat, tears pricking her eyes as she took her wine glass between her lips. If only she could explain to Paige that she—her talent—was worth more than she thought of herself. If only she could take this woman in her arms and promise her everything was going to be okay, that she didn’t need to run from her life anymore. If only…
The song came to an end, the break in Paige’s voice sending tears down Juliet’s cheeks. This wasn’t the woman she used to be. Never in all of her years had she sat in a bar and cried for someone. But that stone-cold heart was beginning to thaw, and it was Paige Harrison who was to blame. Not Rachel, not any of the one-night stands she’d had over the years. Paige.
A server passed her table, and Juliet caught their attention. She saw Paige had situated herself at the bar on arrival, and as she craned her neck, Paige was back there again…the crowd still cheering for more as Paige sat with her head hung. “Could you send a honey JD to the woman sitting alone at the bar? The one with the incredible voice. Add it to my tab.”
The server smiled and offered a nod. “Sure can.”
Juliet swallowed as she watched the same server prepare Paige’s drink, placing it in front of her and pointing in Juliet’s direction. Paige squinted as she followed his line of sight, and then the prettiest, softest smile spread on Paige’s mouth.
Well, that could have gone much worse.
As Paige made her way towards her, Juliet’s heart pounded furiously. Juliet’s heart never pounded for anyone. She sat up straight on the couch she’d managed to snag on arrival, placing her wine on the table.
“Are you stalking me?” Paige lifted a brow.
“Well, if I am, I’m not doing a very good job.” Juliet stared up at Paige, aware that she still had tears in her eyes. But Paige did too, so she didn’t feel so stupid. “Did you want to join me?”
“W-why are you here?”
“I know you don’t want me here, and I have no right to be here after last night, but I…wanted to experience this—you—alone. One final time.”
Paige blushed, taking a large gulp of the drink Juliet had ordered for her. When Juliet was convinced Paige was about to refuse a seat, she suddenly flopped down beside her. “Thanks for the drink.”
“Thanks for the song.” Juliet nudged Paige’s shoulder with her own, smiling when their eyes met. “You really should see someone about that voice. It’s one hell of a talent.”
Paige just stared down at her almost empty glass.
“Or, if you don’t want to be in the public eye…see me about it. Because I’m telling you right now, I would pay good money to have you in the bar on the piano a few nights a week.”
She heard Paige scoff beside her, but Juliet had put it out there now, and all she could do was hope that Paige would consider it. It didn’t matter what the initial conversation had been when Juliet had walked in on Paige singing. She knew deep down that Paige adored these moments. Her beautiful eyes gave it away.
“Music was all I lived for at one time,” Paige said quietly, rubbing her thumb against the glass in her hand. “I self-taught, then I went to college, then…well, then it all went wrong, and I fell out of love with it.”
“I think you could fall back in love again.” Juliet shifted closer, turning side-on to face Paige. “I think you can do anything you want to do.”
“Life never works out for me that way. But thank you for being here tonight. I didn’t think I would care that I was here alone, but you being here…it means a lot.”
Juliet lifted a hand when Paige turned to her, cradling her chin. She smiled, stroked a thumb across Paige’s soft skin, and held her gaze. “I wish you didn’t have to leave.”