Page 52 of The Hideout
“Hear me out.” Paige held up a hand. “I’ve always known I was gay. Always. But this is the first time I’ve actually put myself first and enjoyed being with another woman. Yes, there were dates in the past, but they rarely moved past a few. Because I couldn’t commit to anyone without either keeping them a secret or coming out. And I just wasn’t ready for that. My mum…she wouldn’t have approved. But that’s okay. I had to focus on her, her health issues. And then I met James through my mum’s friend at work. Her son. Mum was so excited I was dating him, and I just wanted her to be happy. She wasn’t always going to be around, we knew she wouldn’t live a long life, so for the time that she was here, I just wanted to make her happy.”
“That’s a very selfless thing you did, Paige.”
“Because she was my mum. And while people would probably criticise me for not coming out or criticise her for not approving, we had the most amazing relationship. She loved me so much, and I don’t know, maybe she would have been okay with my sexuality…but I wasn’t willing to risk it. That may make me a coward, but at least she passed away still loving me.”
“I don’t think it makes you a coward at all. You did what worked for you, and that was your decision. How you lived your life is nobody else’s business.”
“Maybe so, but look at me now. Stuck with an abusive husband I’m constantly running from.”
Juliet brushed Paige’s hair from her face, regarding her with the most beautiful smile. “Look, there’s no rush to do anything here. If we have to keep things strictly between us, or as best as we can, given the fact that we work together, I’m okay with that. I just want to enjoy being with you…without seeing that constant look of fear in your eyes.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll try harder to relax.”
“You don’t have to try harder to do anything, Paige. You’re perfect in my eyes.”
Paige found that hard to believe. Juliet was surely just trying to keep the peace here. But that wasn’t the relationship Paige wanted. If Juliet was unhappy with anything, Paige needed her to communicate that. It would make life easier for everyone involved. “I’m not perfect, and I never will be.”
“But to me, you are. Can you accept that?”
Paige laughed. “Doubtful, but if it makes you feel better, sure.”
“You know what makes me feel better? Being with you like this. Spending my morning drinking coffee with you, and talking to you, just…being with you. Because I’ve also never had this before. And I really don’t want to imagine losing it. Losing you.”
Paige would like to believe that this would all work out well in the end, but if James continued to prowl, that may not be the case. Still, she didn’t want to think about that right now. She wanted to enjoy Juliet, too. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that then.”
* * *
The last thing Juliet wanted to do this afternoon was leave her apartment. It had taken her long enough just to peel herself from her bed, Paige lying next to her, very naked and very sexy. But she had some business to take care of. Thank God it was Thursday so neither of them had to work. Juliet may be in good shape, but Paige was making up for lost time…and it was beginning to show.
She finished her coffee, placing her cup in the sink as she fixed the cuff links on her shirt. Paige could stay back at the apartment and relax. If James was still lurking, they didn’t want him to know that Paige and Juliet knew one another. While he was unaware of that, he was less likely to gain access to the building and Juliet’s apartment. And he was less likely to come to the bar if he believed that Paige had moved on. Seeing them together would only encourage him to stick around.
Juliet knew of men like James. She knew they rarely stopped with their stalking and desperation. The best thing she could do was not be seen with Paige. That was terrible, considering the morning they’d just had, but it was for Paige’s safety. Everything would come good in the end. Juliet was a firm believer in that.
“Hey,” Paige said, resting against the doorframe of Juliet’s bedroom. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you? Maybe we could get some lunch while we’re out.”
Juliet’s eyes travelled Paige’s entire body, just the sheet from her bed covering that delicate skin. “No. Stay here and do nothing. You’ve been on the go since you came to Liverpool. Have an actual day off. I need to call into the bar for some invoices while I’m out.”
“I’ll get dressed and go back to my place.”
“You won’t. You brought clothes over last night. Just…relax and take your time. Make this place your own. Take a shower and do whatever you need to do.”
Paige pushed off the doorframe, slowly walking towards Juliet. If she kept looking at her that way, Juliet would never leave. “Thank you. For being great.”
Juliet lifted a hand to Paige’s cheek. “It helps when the woman in your life is perfect.”
Paige leaned into Juliet’s touch. “I’m really not. Don’t set your expectations so high with me. But I am genuine and honest. That means something, right?”
Juliet drew Paige into a slow kiss. When she smiled against her lips, her thumb stroking Paige’s cheek, Juliet simply nodded. “It means everything.”
“I feel good about this with you. All I ask is that you give me time to get it right. I’ve hidden who I am for so long that it doesn’t seem possible for me to be me. I love your confidence and the fact that you’re out and proud. I don’t want to put a downer on that, so if it’s going to be too much for you, I completely get it. Okay?”
Juliet appreciated that, but it wouldn’t change anything. Paige was who she wanted in her life, and Paige, it would remain. “I’m forty-nine. I’m not the kind of woman who has to have someone on her arm. I’m also in no hurry to push this. I want you to know when the time is right.”
Paige lifted her eyes, that gorgeous grey showing a slight hint of green. “The time was right this morning for me. Touching you, I just…” Paige pressed her hand to Juliet’s that rested against her cheek. “Being with you means so much, okay?”
“I know. I felt it.”
Paige regarded Juliet with a shy smile. “I really wish you didn’t have to leave yet.”