Page 92 of The Hideout
“Soon. Stay like this with me.” Paige gripped her pillow, shifting further back against Juliet. She didn’t want to start her day yet. She didn’t want to think about work or cocktails, or anything other than this woman beside her. “You’re always so snuggly in the morning.”
“And you’re always adorable in the morning.”
Paige smiled again. This was a stark contrast to the life she had before she met Juliet. She couldn’t think about losing it. “I’ll take adorable considering the state of me right now.”
“You’re gorgeous. That’ll never change.” Juliet pressed a kiss to Paige’s shoulder, just a tank top covering her upper body this morning. “I’m taking you out for lunch today.”
Paige gingerly turned in the bed, her brows drawn. “Why?”
“Because I want to and because I love you.” Juliet said that so casually that Paige had to take a moment. Nobody ever took her for lunch simply because they wanted to. James never had. Even on the morning after their wedding, he’d gone to play golf with his friends. That was a red flag in itself, looking back. “Is that okay?”
“More than okay. Thank you.” Paige nuzzled into Juliet’s chest, wanting to get another short nap in before she finally rose. But her phone started to vibrate on the bedside table, disrupting that wonderful idea. She groaned and reached behind her. “Hello?”
“Mrs Dunbar, this is PC Radford—”
“I…it’s just…Paige.” She cut in, the idea of being a Dunbar for a moment longer causing her stomach to roll. “If that’s okay?”
“Of course. My apologies.” The police constable cleared her throat. “I’m calling to inform you that we picked James Dunbar up this morning. He’s been out of town for a couple of days.”
“Yeah, he works out of town sometimes.” Paige sat up against the headboard, running a hand through her hair. “Did he tell you he didn’t do it?”
“Actually, he came clean the moment we explained why we were there. That’s helpful when it comes to what happens next.”
“O-oh.” Paige hadn’t expected that. She never thought James would admit to beating her up. And now, as she sat here, she didn’t know how to feel about it. “S-so what happens now?”
“An immediate injunction has been put in place. We’ll question him, gather the necessary information, and then contact the Crown Prosecution Service for further instruction. Unless something changes and he decides to plead not guilty, this should be a lot less distressing for you.”
An unexpected weight lifted from Paige’s entire body at those words. The aches and pains she’d suffered from since the attack lessened. Her body no longer held monumental amounts of tension. “If he does agree to plead guilty, do I have to be there? In court?”
“No. That won’t be necessary.”
Another weight lifted. “I can’t believe he admitted it. He’s probably going to change his mind. It seems too easy.”
“You’d be surprised how many abusers suddenly realise that they’re not as in control as they think they are when the police come calling. He sat in the back of the car looking like a lost child. He didn’t say a word.”
“Abusers forget that their lives are mostly ruined once we catch up with them. You should be proud of yourself for coming forward.”
“Yeah, uh…sorry, I’m just a bit shocked by this call.”
“You’ve done the hard thing, Paige. Leave the rest up to us. I’ll be in touch when I have more information.”
“Thank you. Bye.”
Paige lowered her phone, staring at the closed bedroom door directly ahead of her. She felt Juliet shift beside her, mirroring her position where she sat against the headboard, but Paige had nothing to offer just yet. She needed that call to sink in for a few minutes before she could begin to make sense of it.
“You don’t have to repeat any of that. I heard it all.” Juliet took Paige’s hand above the cover, giving her that silence she needed. But the silence only allowed Paige the opportunity to think too deeply into it, tears spilling down her cheeks.
“Come here.” Juliet wrapped an arm around Paige, holding her. She placed a gentle hand on her upper arm, soothing her skin where she caressed it. “It’s going to be okay. That officer was right. You have done the hard thing.”
“I didn’t think he’d admit to it. Why has he admitted to it? Does he want me to believe that I think he’s gone away? That he’s guilty? I know he’s going to plead not guilty when the time comes and he’s found himself a lawyer.”
“The most important thing is that you’re safe, Paige. Let the police do their jobs, and you focus on building your life from this point forward.”
Paige’s bottom lip trembled as she pulled out of Juliet’s embrace. “Why did he do it, Juliet? Why did he repeatedly hurt me? I don’t understand.”