Page 5 of Study You
“You’re taking me to my appointments at the hospital next Friday, aren’t you?”
“I… It’s my birthday. You said Sue was taking you.”
Carol propped herself up in bed, smiling weakly. “Maybe I should cancel them. If you have plans, I don’t want you to change them for me.”
“Mum, you can’t cancel them. You’ve been waiting months for these appointments.”
Carol shrugged. “That’s okay. I’m sure another date will come around soon.”
Finn perched herself on the edge of her mum’s bed, taking her hand. “Sue was supposed to be taking you.” Carol and her sister got along when it suited them, but most of the time, it was strained. Finn didn’t get involved with the family drama—or anyone’s for that matter—so she had no idea what was going on this time. “Is she not able to take you anymore?”
“I told her you’d take me instead. I feel more comfortable with you there. You know what they’re talking about, you know?”
Finn dragged a hand through her hair and sighed. Of course she would change her plans so her mum could go to her appointments—they were hugely important—but Finn did wish she wasn’t the only person around here willing to do those things. She had really been looking forward to her birthday, alone or not. “I have a lecture that day. And it’s my birthday. That’s why Sue was taking you rather than me.”
“I didn’t know you had plans. You don’t usually go out much, so I thought it would be okay to cancel with Sue.”
“It’s fine. I’ll cancel my plans. I don’t know how long we’ll be sitting around at the hospital for.” She didn’t have anything set in stone when it came to those plans, but it wasn’t the point. Finn didn’t want to sit at home for her birthday. No way. She’d invited Gillian to the bar hoping she’d agree, but that was dead in the water. Still, Finn would take herself out for a drink. So what if she celebrated alone?
“Finn, I’m sorry. I should have asked you first.”
Finn squeezed her mum’s hand. “I need you to stop worshiping the ground he walks on.” She eyed the couch, scoffing. “He does nothing around here. He’s useless. Don’t you see that?”
“Don’t speak about your father like that.”
Father. That’ll be the day. Finn exhaled a calming breath. She hated all of this. If he could just help when it was needed, Finn’s life would be far less hectic. But as she watched him, snoring over the noise of the TV, she knew he was a lost cause. “I’ll put the kettle on.”
“I appreciate you, Finn. I hope you know that.”
Finn turned back as she reached the kitchen door. “I know, Mum.”
* * *
Gillian lowered her reading glasses over her eyes, settling in for an evening of paperwork and plans for the new semester. She didn’t have to worry about her students, they had already shown her what they were capable of, so it would be wise to give them the very best version of herself, too. It was important that they felt they could approach Gillian with any issues they faced.
She brought up the notes for the next module of contract law and got comfortable on the couch. Finn had finished top of her class last semester, even with the extended deadline. Whatever had been going on to cause that extension, Gillian was impressed by Finn’s dedication to the degree.
Her phone buzzed on the coffee table. She reached for it, surprised to see Finn’s name waiting for her.
I know this isn’t what we do, but I was in your area and wondered if maybe we could talk? Finn.
Talk? Finn…wanted to talk?
Not a good idea. We don’t have to discuss earlier today. It’s okay.
Gillian chose not to sign her name at the end of the message. The last thing she wanted was future texts to get into the wrong hands.
Okay. I’m sorry for texting you. I just needed someone to talk to. See you next week. Finn.
Finn needed someone to talk to? About what? This Finn didn’t feel like the Finn she was used to being around. Perhaps there was another issue that her student was dealing with. If so, surely it could wait until university hours. From what Gillian knew of Finn so far, her student was more than capable of looking after herself. That confidence was the very reason Gillian struggled so much around Finn Ashton.
I’ll be on campus tomorrow if you want to come to my office.
Gillian sent off the message, hoping that satisfied Finn.
It’s not degree related. But thanks for the offer. I appreciate it. Finn.
Okay, Gillian didn’t know how to deal with this side of Finn. Even only through a text message, something felt off. Finn…felt off.