Page 87 of Study You
“No, don’t worry about it. I just came to see you and to pick up some uni books.” Finn perched herself on the edge of her mum’s bed, thrilled to see her looking so well. “You look great, Mum. How is everything going?”
“Marvellous! You’ll never guess where I’ve been today.” Her mum’s bright blue eyes stared back at her with a sparkle present she hadn’t seen for a while. “Into the city. We had afternoon tea at that hotel named after the footballer. It was bloody lovely.”
“That’s great. I told you going out more and getting some fresh air would do you the world of good.”
“I know. I know. But you know me. Stubborn and sometimes stuck in my ways.”
“I’m serious, Mum. You look like you’re about to spring out of bed at any moment. How have your legs been?”
“Better. The water retention isn’t so bad at the moment.” Finn had a long list of her mum’s ailments. It wasn’t any one thing in particular that kept her in bed, but Finn knew that her mum’s depression had as much of an impact on her decision to stay in bed as her pain level did. “Monica gets me out of bed each morning and helps me to the couch. Then we walk into the kitchen. Just to get things moving, you know?”
Finn sighed. She’d told her mum that getting up when she could was important. Trust her to not take Finn’s advice. “I do know. I’m just glad you’re listening to what Monica suggests. That’s the main thing.”
Carol narrowed her eyes. “Anyway, enough of me. Where the bloody hell have you been lately? I only see you for a few minutes every other day.”
“I’m sorry about that. As you know, I was working on that house. I’ve just finished it this week. It looks amazing.”
“Well, unless you’ve been sleeping there…it doesn’t explain not seeing you as often.” Carol placed a hand over Finn’s. “Look, love. If you have someone in your life, then I’m very happy for you.”
Finn chewed her lip. She should really come clean to her mum. She didn’t know why she’d kept it a secret for so long. Maybe because she wanted to be sure it would last? Maybe because she didn’t want to lie to another person she cared about. Either way, her mum should know. It didn’t mean Finn had to tell her Gillian was employed by the university. “I…do have someone in my life.”
“I knew it!” Her mum threw up her hands, laughing. “I don’t know why you kept it from me, but I want to meet her. I should meet her.”
“Not right now, Mum. It’s new and fresh, you know? I want to make sure it’s going somewhere before I introduce her to family and that.”
“You’re never home. I almost forgot what you looked like. It seems to me that it is going somewhere.” Carol dipped her head and found Finn’s eyes. “Why don’t you feel certain of that?”
“I do. It’s just that it’s a bit complicated.”
“Complicated how? She’s not married, is she? Oh, Finn. Tell me she’s not already involved.”
“God, no. She’s not. Definitely not.” Finn would never get involved in an affair. She couldn’t handle the guilt of something like that. “She’s definitely single. Or…was. Before I met her.”
“Oh, so you’ve put a label on it?”
“It’s the same woman I was telling you about after New Years. We decided to give things a go.”
“Then why is it complicated, love?”
Finn smiled, getting to her feet. “It just is. But it won’t always be. That’s all you need to know.”
“Finley?” Carol looked up at Finn, those eyes still bright. “Would you stay and have a cuppa with me?”
“Of course. I’ll just put the kettle on.”
* * *
Gillian lay lengthways on her new luxurious couch, her eyes half-lidded as she tried to watch the TV. She really needed to get back into a night-time routine before she went back to work on Monday. Everything had been so full-on over the last few days—packing and unpacking—that she didn’t feel as though she’d had a moment to breathe or admire her new home.
Finn was out visiting her mum, and this was the first time Gillian had found the time to just sit and relax. Or lie down, rather. Only she would prefer to be resting with Finn. You can’t have her to yourself every minute of the day.
As Gillian’s mind drifted to the weekend she’d just had with Finn, she heard a key in the door. A smile spread on her lips, that tingling sensation she often got when Finn was around making itself known. Life, right now, was beautiful. She wasn’t even allowing the possibility of Deena knowing to put an end to that.
Gillian opened her eyes. “Yes?”
“Oh, I thought you were napping.” Finn lowered her keys to the dining table in the back half of the room, slipping her shoes off and leaving them in the hall. When she returned, her hair unruly this evening, Gillian reached out a hand. “You okay?”