Page 9 of Study You
“This is what suits me. Someone who can take my mind off what I hoped for in my future. Someone I can feel satisfied with. Nothing…serious. I’m not cut out for that. He made sure I knew that.”
Finn brought a hand to Gillian’s cheek, frowning as she turned her face away. “Hey. Look at me.”
Gillian shook her head lightly.
“Please,” Finn pleaded, aware that one push too far and this could be over. She sighed. “If you won’t look at me, at least kiss me again.”
Gillian drew Finn into another kiss, touching their foreheads. “When you left me today, I had to come straight home. I was so wet.”
It seemed that was the end of any talking they were doing. Gillian had just pivoted the complete opposite way. But Finn couldn’t deny how much she wanted Gillian, so she would play the game. Oh, she would always play the game.
“Oh, yeah?” Finn smiled against Gillian’s lips. “And did you…do something about it?”
“Mmhmm. I called out your name when I was fucking myself.”
“Maybe I should take you to the bedroom so I can hear you doing exactly that all over again?” Finn gripped Gillian’s ass and pulled her in, kneading her cheeks and knowing just what it was doing to that soaked pussy. Because it would be soaked. It always was around Finn.
Gillian moaned. “You don’t have to get back for your mum?”
Thankfully, not tonight. Finn had spoken to her dad once he’d slept and sobered up. He was staying home tonight. “No. These hands are all yours for as long as you want them.”
Finn urged Gillian out of her lap. They got to their feet, and as Finn held Gillian against her, she smirked. “Any second now.”
Chapter 4
Gillian rested against the kitchen counter, aching in all the right places as she brought up a message thread with her best friend Jan. She had woken this morning to Finn sleeping next to her, and now she didn’t know what to do. The last time that had happened, Finn had taken offence to being asked to leave. But after last night, Gillian felt as though they were in a different place. Nothing she needed to worry about, but definitely on a different footing.
Finn was her escape, and she was Finn’s.
If they could contain this to the privacy of Gillian’s home, what was the worst that could happen?
You won’t believe the night I had! G x
Gillian rushed away from the counter and peeked around the doorframe. Finn was sprawled out and fast asleep. God, she was astonishing to look at. Gillian could admire her ink covered body for days on end and never be satisfied. Enough of that! She returned to her position at the counter, leaning forward with her arms braced against the distressed wood. Fuck it. She would call Jan instead.
When the call connected, Gillian grinned as she whisper-yelled, “Guess who’s here?!”
“Hmm. A new squeeze?”
“No. But close. Finn! Finn is here. Asleep in my bed. After another night of fucking mind-blowing sex.”
“Oh, yeah?” Jan teased and then she giggled. “I knew you couldn’t stick to your word. But you know what? I don’t blame you. Life is too short to have either no sex or terrible sex.”
Terrible sex had been her very existence for too long. Dave, her ex-husband, had never known what she wanted in the bedroom. Fuck, Gillian had spelled it out to him on many occasions—guided him too—but he just…didn’t have it in him. “I don’t know how she does it, Jan. It’s like she’s reading my mind the moment we’re naked together. No, she’s reading my mind the moment we’re in the same room.”
“That’s a special connection to have, Gill. You know that, right?”
Gillian did know it. While she knew this had to remain with no attachment, she wasn’t sure Finn could ever fully satiate her. Inside the bedroom, absolutely. Sex with Finn was the very sex Gillian had been dreaming of all her adult life. But outside of the bedroom? Gillian was worried that she would always want more. Whether she put up her walls or not, Finn was what and who she wanted. It can never be. “I know. But Finn and I are just spending time together. Well, in secrecy, obviously.”
Jan cleared her throat. “You think you can maintain that secrecy? All it takes is one look, one tone of voice, and someone could become suspicious.”
Gillian trusted Finn to keep this at her apartment. “We’ll discuss it when Finn is awake. I don’t have to be at the university until midday, so there’s plenty of time to lay out some ground rules.”
“Oooh, rules. You’re not turning all Domme, are you?”
Gillian smirked. “I couldn’t dominate Finn if I tried. God,” she whispered, dragging her hair over one shoulder. The thought of being dominated… Gillian had to wonder if it would be something Finn was interested in. “It’s so intense, Jan. I’ve never known anything like it.”