Page 35 of A Little Light
“Yes. I haven’t played crazy golf in years. Thanks for allowing me to live out my youth again.”
Andi lifted her gaze, enamoured by Rachel’s eyes. This evening, the looks lingered longer than usual. Every time Andi looked up from concentrating on the ball, Rachel was watching her. Andi didn’t understand. Nothing significant had happened when she was at the loft. Not even a hint of flirting or anything similar. So once again, Andi had to wonder if this was just Rachel’s personality. If that was the case, it was very off-putting in terms of Andi knowing what the hell was going on here.
“Thank you for inviting me. I’m a first-timer, so it’s been great.”
They stood at the end of the course, neither of them knowing what to say. Did Andi thank Rachel once again and head home? Did she suggest they get something to eat? She wanted to offer that, but the last time they’d had dinner together, it all turned a little sour. Maybe if you don’t put your foot in it, it’ll be fine.
“Do you have any plans for the rest of the night?” Rachel asked, taking Andi’s golf club from her and slotting them into the stand. “I didn’t think you’d be so good at this, so I thought we’d be here all night waiting for you to actually get a ball in the hole.”
Andi splayed a hand across her chest, feigning offence. “Charming! I was about to offer to buy you dinner, but I don’t think I will now.”
Rachel pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, quite clearly failing to suppress the smirk she wore. “I’m sorry. I’m joking.”
Andi cocked her head. She couldn’t read Rachel at all. That unnerved her. “Come on. Let’s head back out towards the bar.”
They strolled along, side by side, the silence only unnerving Andi further. Rachel hadn’t made a comment about the offer of dinner, so she supposed that was a no-go. Still, it didn’t matter. Andi had enjoyed spending time with Rachel even if the night ended from this point on.
She shoved her hands in her pockets and turned to Rachel. “Did you want to grab a beer before we leave?”
Rachel beamed a smile, her own hands shoved in her jeans pockets. “Yes. I’d love to. I’ll get us a table.”
Andi ordered two beers, her eyes straying to Rachel as she watched her send off a text message. Should Rachel have been working tonight? Andi hoped she hadn’t missed out on a client because of her. Perhaps that was the reason Rachel hadn’t gone deeper into the mention of dinner.
Andi paid for their drinks and made a beeline for the table Rachel sat at. She cleared her throat. “Thanks again for this evening. It’s been great.”
“Any time.” Rachel swigged her beer, watching Andi as she did so. “Thanks for the beer.”
“I’m…not keeping you from anything, am I?”
Rachel’s brows drew together. “Keeping me?”
“Work, you know…”
“Oh, no. I didn’t book any clients in tonight. I knew I was coming here with you.”
Andi appreciated that, really she did, but this was Rachel’s livelihood. “That’s very sweet, but you shouldn’t turn down work for me. I would have been happy seeing you again whenever you were free.”
“I work my own schedule. I work when it suits me. Tonight didn’t suit me, and I’d rather be here playing crazy golf and drinking beer with you.”
“Why?” Andi wouldn’t usually ask something like that, but as far as she was concerned…Rachel didn’t want to ‘blur any lines’. Being at her loft a few days ago made no difference to that. And maybe Andi was reading everything wrong, but it definitely felt as though there had been some kind of shift between them. Rachel…was different. More attentive. Less nervous or uncertain. Andi would consider her playful and flirty at times tonight.
“Why do I want to be here? Because I like you, Andi. You’re far more fun than boring dinners with a client I may never see again.”
“Well, thank you.”
“And I know I’ve been very hit and miss recently, I’m still mortified by the things I said to you at the market when I was with Kelly, but I like this. Us going out together.”
“Me too. I hope we can do it again whenever we’re free.” Andi picked at the label on her beer bottle, watching as water dripped from it. “I have to ask, though…are you comfortable, Rachel? I don’t want you to think that we have to do this just for the sake of it.”
“Does it feel like the sake of it to you?”
“No. But I think it’s probably best if I leave it at a simple no, and we move on with the rest of the night.” Andi smiled weakly, desperately wishing she knew what was going through Rachel’s mind tonight. If Rachel was so sure they couldn’t date, why was she looking at Andi differently? Why was her entire demeanour a huge contrast to the times before?
“I don’t understand.”
Andi laughed a gentle laugh. “No, me neither.”
Rachel reached a hand towards Andi, but she slowly retreated. She could do friends, but she couldn’t do…this. “Andi, talk to me.”