Page 37 of A Little Light
“Something has changed for me tonight, Kelly. I’m not sure what exactly, but every time I look at her, I think about kissing her.” Rachel’s body tingled at the thought. “Fuck, I really want to kiss her.”
“That’s not very helpful.” Rachel caught a flash of hair moving through the crowd. She knew it was Andi; she would know her anywhere. “I should go. She’s coming back.”
“Do what makes you happy, babe. If you want to ask her out on a date, you should. Either it’ll happen, or it won’t. You can’t worry about the unknown because sometimes the unknown is more than you thought you wanted.”
“I’ll call you tomorrow. Bye.” Rachel cleared her throat as she locked her phone and slid it back into her pocket. Andi grinned as she finally made her way back to the table, shivering when she pulled her scarf a little higher. “All good?”
“Mm. It’s much colder than I realised.” Andi blew into her hands, shifting from left to right. “Did you want to see if we can find a seat closer to the heaters?”
Oh, thank God! Rachel thought for a moment that Andi was going to head home. Honestly, she wasn’t ready for that yet. “Sure. I saw a couple leaving a few minutes ago. You grab the burgers, and I’ll get the table.”
Rachel rushed under the canopy, snagging the only free table. The warmth hit her immediately, but as she turned and found Andi almost pressed to her, she felt something else entirely.
“Here.” Andi held out her burger. “Eat it before it gets cold.”
“T-thanks.” Rachel slowly eased herself into a seat, watching Andi do the very same thing. “Is that better?”
“Much better. I don’t know how you go out to work wearing dresses. I’m cold just thinking about it.” Andi tore part of the bun, shoving it into her mouth. “Do your clients tell you what to wear?”
“No. I may get a request now and then, but I generally decide how cold I want to be on any given night.” Rachel clasped her hands on the table, her head cocked. “It’s important that they don’t feel too in control of me. That’s when issues can arise.”
“Mm. You mentioned an issue recently. Did you want to talk about it?”
Rachel lifted a shoulder. She wouldn’t usually go into detail about clients, but she trusted Andi. “It was a new client I’d taken on. It was our first meeting. She…expected more from me.”
Andi nodded slowly. “I’m going to assume that clients often want more from you. You’re a very attractive woman.”
Before Rachel continued, she savoured the feeling Andi’s words elicited. Hearing Andi say she was attractive made her feel all kinds of ways. Not now. She cleared her throat. “Actually, it doesn’t happen too much. This client was very insistent. She tried to force me into the lift at her hotel.”
Andi lowered her burger to the paper plate. “I’m sorry, what?”
“I’m okay. I can tell someone like that a mile off. She tried to get a little handsy, encouraged me towards the lift by grabbing me by the elbow, but I think she took the hint when I used the heel of my stiletto to stand on her foot.”
“I’m so sorry you had to deal with that.” Andi’s nostrils flared as she pushed her burger away. She’d mostly eaten it, but surely Rachel hadn’t ruined her appetite. “If that happens again, call me, and I’ll come to whatever hotel or restaurant you’re at and pick you up.”
“Oh, Andi. That’s really sweet of you, but you don’t have to worry about me. I’ve been doing this long enough to know when to take a step back from a client. Please focus on anything other than worrying about me. You’ll drive yourself insane otherwise.”
Andi slid her hand across the table, placing it gently on Rachel’s wrist. The warmth spread through her, that soft touch causing her to pause for a moment. “I care about you. You and your safety.”
“I know. But I’m okay.” Rachel placed her own hand over Andi’s. “This is why I prefer to be with you rather than working. You’re caring and compassionate.” Rachel switched from Andi’s eyes to her lips. If she just leaned forward…
Andi smiled and lowered her eyes. “Could I…ask you something? And before I do, you can say no.”
Rachel snapped out of her thoughts. “Of course. You can ask me anything.”
Andi appeared apprehensive, her eyes darting around the burger hut as she chewed her lip. “Do you think maybe you could give me some dating tips? Or whatever it is women are looking for these days? I’d pay you, of course. It’s just that I feel comfortable with you.”
“You’d…pay me?” Rachel shifted until Andi’s hand fell away from her wrist. There went the idea of asking Andi out on a date. Andi offering to pay her said a lot about where this was going. Rachel should have known. Some things would never change. Andi had seemed so different…until she wasn’t. Story of Rachel’s life.
“Yes. I thought that maybe if I booked you or scheduled a…meeting with you? I hoped it would maybe ease me back into dating. It’s been a long time, after all.”
Disappointed by this turn of events, Rachel rested back in her seat and swiftly reinforced the walls she was allowing to weaken. “Right. You want to book me. Got it.”
“If you’d be available. I’m sure you’re busy enough without adding more clients to your schedule.”
Rachel almost gagged at hearing Andi call herself a client. Still, it seemed this was about to turn into business the way it did with everyone else. So, Rachel took a business card from the wallet at the back of her phone and handed it over. “You’ll find my availability if you follow that link. Feel free to book me at a time that suits you best.” She kept her voice level, but inside, she was quietly dying. “I’ll just wait to hear from you.”