Page 48 of A Little Light
Sally narrowed her eyes, aware that unpacking was a huge deal for Andi. “Why? What made you decide to do that?”
“I just think it’s time. The loft is gone, so it’s time to move on with my life once and for all.”
“I’m proud of you.”
Andi lifted a shoulder, the thought of kissing Rachel again flitting into her mind. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, but she wasn’t able to suppress the grin she wore.
“What’s that look?”
“What look?” Andi feigned confusion, knowing how much it annoyed Sally.
“The look you have. The grin. That’s not the kind of grin I’ve seen from you for a long time.”
“I just feel ready, you know? To explore and see what life has to offer. To be happy and enjoy time with friends. Last night was some kind of kick-start for me.”
“I’m happy you feel that way.” Sally rested her arm along the back of the couch, crossing her legs. “Rachel is lovely, isn’t she?”
Andi found that smile working its way to the surface again. Would she always feel that way when she thought about her? “She is. She has a great personality, and considering she’s significantly younger than me, it doesn’t feel that way. She’s mature, and she knows what she wants.”
“Is that so?”
Andi rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on. Are we really those people, Sal? You know what I’m saying. Rachel has her head firmly screwed on, and I enjoyed spending time with her last night.”
“I noticed she left when you did.” Sally wore a slight smirk. One that didn’t go unnoticed by Andi.
“Well, yes. We came together, so we left together. She didn’t feel comfortable sticking around because she was my plus one.”
Sally nodded slowly. “I see.”
“We kissed, okay? Is that what you needed to hear?” Andi lifted her coffee and sipped. Sally was forever giving her one of her looks, which in turn made Andi feel guilty about not spilling the beans. “At the party. When you left me in the back garden.”
“Tell me more.” Sally sat forward, elbows perched on her knees. “Did you go home with one another?”
“No. We didn’t.” Had Andi wanted to spend the night with Rachel? She didn’t know. Kissing was fun and exciting, but spending the night with one another was a whole other situation. She wasn’t sure she was quite there yet. And besides, they didn’t know each other well enough to take that step. If this happened, Andi wanted it to happen properly. She wanted to learn more about Rachel and build on their connection. She didn’t need to take a woman home just because she’d been given a hint of attention, and she didn’t suspect Rachel was that kind of person either. “We said we’d meet up when it suited us both.”
“And when will that be? Because you may not see it, but the change in you when you talk about her is quite something.”
“I wanted to invite her over tonight. I thought maybe I could cook dinner. But I don’t know. Is it too soon? Does that seem desperate?”
“Desperate?” Sally frowned.
“I don’t want her to think that I’m trying to sleep with her, you know? It’s not like that between us.” Andi couldn’t deny how beautiful Rachel was, and sure…she could go too far too soon, but she wanted to do this right. “It really is as simple as enjoying being with her.”
“So, tell her that. I know a lot of people like the thrill and the sexual tension, but many women also love to be told they’re great company. I think Rachel falls into the latter.”
Andi’s pulse quickened at that. Who knew she would find a woman who didn’t only want one thing from her? “Me too.”
“I think you should call her or maybe send her a message. There’s no harm in letting her know how you feel, Andi.” Sally reached forward and took Andi’s hand. “I know this may be difficult for you at times, but so long as you’re honest with Rachel, I think very good things could be coming your way. And God knows you deserve it after the care and dedication you’ve put into other people’s lives.”
Andi eyed her phone where it sat beside her purse. “Should I? You don’t think it’s a little too forward?”
“Inviting someone over for dinner if they’re available?”
“I wouldn’t have an issue with it if we hadn’t kissed last night.” Andi lifted her phone and unlocked it. She opened the most recent message thread she had with Rachel and glanced back up at Sally. “If this goes wrong, I’m blaming you.”
“It won’t go wrong. So maybe she won’t be available, but putting yourself out there shows her that you’re interested.”
Andi knew how relationships worked. Okay, she’d been off the market for the past twenty-odd years, but she still knew what the gist of it all was. “Okay. I guess she’s either available or not.”