Page 5 of A Little Light
“Thank you.”
Huh? Why was Andi thanking her? “Thank you?”
“This is my place. But I wasn’t the one who had an impeccable eye for detail. That was all Jane.” Andi lowered the camera she was holding to the island in the kitchen. “I’m going to step outside and give you some time alone in here. If you have any questions, I’ll just be out in the corridor, okay?”
Rachel watched Andi as she turned towards the front door. There was a story to be told here. She felt it as the atmosphere changed. Sombre. “Stay.”
Andi stopped and looked over her shoulder. “It’s probably easier for me to not be in the way, taking pictures.”
Rachel spied the kettle that still sat on the worktop. “Do you have coffee?”
“I always have coffee. I was going to get rid of it since I won’t be here, but sometimes people like to have a cuppa while they sit and discuss their options.”
“Why don’t you make the coffee while I have a look at the bathroom and bedrooms? Then we can talk business.”
Andi smiled. “Okay.”
Rachel wasn’t entirely sure she was right, but Andi appeared to have tears in her eyes. She had a feeling she knew where this conversation could potentially go. She just hoped it wasn’t something devastating; Rachel wasn’t sure she could handle that right now. This home had been well looked after, and the thought of moving in while Andi was processing things…it didn’t feel right.
But business was business. Rachel knew all about that.
She made her way around the rest of the loft, stopping in the bedroom and taking in the view. On a clear day, this place had to be even more impressive. As she stood at the window, Rachel couldn’t believe her luck. But when she turned to find the other bedroom, she only came across the office Andi had mentioned. “Hey, Andi? Didn’t you say there were two bedrooms and an office?” Andi didn’t respond. Rachel left the small hallway and entered the main area again. And then she saw it. A mezzanine level with a bed just about visible. “H-holy shit!” With her mouth agape, Rachel shifted her focus to Andi.
Andi turned to her, her dark hair whipping around her face as she did so. “Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the kettle. What did you say?”
Rachel stared back up at the mezzanine. “N-nothing. Never mind. When are you putting this place on the market?”
“Next Thursday, all being well.”
“And what do I have to do to make sure it doesn’t go on the market?”
Andi approached Rachel. “I’m sorry?”
“What’s the asking price?” This was Rachel’s dream home. There were no two ways about it.
“Three-twenty, but I doubt I’ll get that with the current—”
“I’ll give you three-two-five and sign whenever you’re ready.”
“Oh, wow. Really?” Andi asked, watching Rachel as she continued to gaze around this entirely beautiful loft. “Are you genuinely interested?”
Rachel snapped out of her daydreaming and approached the kitchen. She took a seat at the dining space at the end of the world’s longest island, clasping her hands together on the marble top. She could see herself entertaining from this very spot. “I’m serious.”
“Right, okay. Well,” Andi paused, clearly shocked that Rachel was ready to get the ball rolling. “I didn’t expect this today. Sorry, I just need a moment.”
“Take all the time you need. If it’s easier, I could maybe call you in a few days, and we’ll go from there.” Rachel watched Andi, those deep brown eyes now showing a hint of pain. “This is a lot for you, isn’t it?”
“A lot for me?”
“Letting this loft go.” Rachel regarded Andi with a sympathetic smile. “I get it. Moving on is hard.”
Andi slumped against the worktop, her elbows resting against it as she ran her hands through her hair. She remained silent, telling Rachel everything she needed to know.
“Yeah, I think we need to give this a few days. But I am seriously interested, okay?”
When Andi lifted her head, Rachel was once again struck by how beautiful her eyes were. Andi was one of those women you could probably trust with your life. Her friends likely knew they could rely on her no matter what. But Rachel judged a lot of people based on their eyes alone. Andi’s were honest. It probably wasn’t a good idea to assume that, but Rachel knew a nice, genuine person when she saw one. Andi was that person, without a doubt.
“I won’t put it on the site or in the window at the office, but could we do this another time?”