Page 71 of A Little Light
“Sure. If you want a cuppa, you’ll have to give me a minute. I’ve been out all afternoon.”
Sally and Claire remained silent as Andi invited them inside. The air was tense; it wasn’t something she was used to with this pair, but Andi was certain everything would be okay. They had made the effort to come here, so it had to be okay.
Still, neither of them spoke a word.
“So, did you want a cuppa or not?” Andi shed her coat, turning the thermostat up a little for Rachel’s arrival. If they ended up naked, she didn’t want Rachel to complain about the temperature. “Sal?”
Sally shook her head. “You know we had plans today, right?”
“Well, I thought we had plans. But I didn’t hear from you, so I assumed those plans were no longer happening.”
“You’re too busy shacked up with your escort that you forgot we were going to Jane’s grave.”
If Andi hadn’t anticipated some kind of remark, that one would have knocked her off her feet. She glared back at Sally, jaw clenched, and decided to take a moment before she responded. “I know exactly where I was supposed to be today. Don’t come into my home and try to insinuate that I’ve forgotten about Jane. Don’t fucking dare, Sally!” Well, there went the idea of keeping things calm.
Claire stepped forward. “Now, hold on a moment. Let’s not get into a row about this.”
“I suggest you take your wife home, Claire. If she’s going to make ridiculous comments like that, she’s not welcome here!”
Claire smiled weakly. “Sally is…struggling to get her head around this.”
“Why? She isn’t the one sleeping with Rachel.”
Sally visibly shuddered. “Have you…made sure she’s been tested and things?”
Of all the things she expected Sally to say, that hadn’t been it. Andi needed her to leave right now. Actually, she was beginning to wish she hadn’t invited her in at all. “I think you need to leave.”
“Andi, you have to allow me time to digest this. You can’t expect me to just be overjoyed that you’re dating an escort. It’s not that simple.”
“Answer me one thing,” Andi said, resting against the wall, her arms folded across her chest. “What part of me dating Rachel is any of your concern?”
“All of it. I know you don’t see it, and I know this is an exciting time for you, but she is an escort. Whether you met her because you were paying her or not, it doesn’t change what she does.”
“You think she sleeps around.” Andi nodded slowly.
“Of course she bloody sleeps around! She’s. An. Escort.” Sally shed her own coat and hung it over the banister. “And I’m not leaving until I’m absolutely sure you know what you’re doing.”
Andi looked to Claire and frowned. Claire’s face was red with embarrassment. “Fine. Sit your arse down, and I’ll make the bloody drinks!”
“I’ll help,” Claire said, giving Sally a knowing look. “Go and sit down. And friggin’ relax, will you.”
Sally huffed, choosing to do as her wife said. Andi wasn’t particularly bothered by what either of them had to say, but Claire had always been far more laidback than Sally. If she could talk some sense into her wife, Andi would appreciate it.
As Andi dragged her feet towards the kitchen, Claire followed and closed the door. “Andi, I’m so sorry about Sally.”
“Don’t apologise for her. If that’s how she feels, she’s entitled to her opinion.”
Claire cleared her throat and stepped up beside Andi. The kettle drowned out their conversation, but only a little. “She sobbed when she came home from the coffee shop the other day. She’s worried Rachel is going to hurt you, and I think she’s focusing on the fact she’s an escort to justify it.”
“Yeah, well, that’s not good enough for me.”
“I know. And she knows that what she’s saying is downright rude and disrespectful, but I’m trying to make her see sense. Jesus, she came home from Hillary’s the other day and spoke so highly of Rachel. She can’t just change her opinion like that.”
“Look, Claire. I don’t want you two to fall out over this. You never row, and I don’t want to be the reason that you do. I…can’t change how I feel. And I’d hope you and Sally wouldn’t expect me to. I’m a grown woman; I can make my own mistakes.”
“And do you think Rachel is going to become one?”
Rachel. Just the mention of her name made Andi smile. “No. I don’t.”