Page 75 of A Little Light
“Yes! You’re right.”
Startled when gentle arms wrapped around her waist from behind, Andi lowered her cup and grinned. It hadn’t been the plan to have Rachel stay over last night, but Andi was glad she had chosen to do so. Because it meant she could enjoy Christmas morning just like this. It meant she could feel Rachel against her, holding her, as she placed a kiss on Andi’s shoulder. These were the days she had missed.
“Good morning.” Rachel slowly turned Andi in her arms, those blue eyes soft and inviting. “And Merry Christmas.”
Andi leaned in, placing a lingering kiss to Rachel’s lips. “Merry Christmas.”
“Thank you for having me here this morning.” Rachel lowered her eyes and toyed with the string on Andi’s hoodie. “I’ve never spent Christmas with anyone before.”
Rachel smiled. “Not…anyone I’m dating, no.”
God, Andi hated knowing that. She hated the way people perceived Rachel. Because Andi didn’t need to ask, she knew that was why Rachel never spent Christmas wrapped up with someone. Because of her job. “Well, that changes from this moment on.”
“I…hope so.” Rachel slowly lifted her eyes, chewing on her bottom lip. “How are you feeling this morning?”
“Aside from feeling like an idiot because I forgot to set the heating timer, pretty good.”
Andi brought a hand to Rachel’s cheek, stroking her thumb against her skin. “Having you here…it feels right. And judging by last night, I think you know that.”
Rachel had overheard everything Andi had said to Sally and Claire in the hallway. The fact that she was prepared to step away from their friendship until they could come to terms with this relationship…well, it had shocked Rachel, and Andi knew it. “I do know it.”
“This is an exciting time for us.”
“I know. Even though as I slipped off into the kitchen last night, it didn’t feel so exciting.”
Neither of them had wanted to discuss Sally’s unexpected arrival. It had been Christmas Eve, and Andi was far too emotionally drained after their conversation to process it. “I am sorry about the things she’s said to you. It’s really not like Sally to be so judgemental.”
“At first, I thought she was doing just that. Judging me. But I did hear everything she said to you, and I believe her when she says she’s worried. She’s your best friend for a reason, and I’m glad she cares enough about you to worry.”
“I do, too, but not when it has the potential to push you away.”
Rachel scoffed, shaking her head. “Trust me. I’ve heard far worse. It takes a lot to get rid of me.”
“Good. Because I don’t plan to get rid of you. Whether my friends remain friends or not has no bearing on that.” Andi placed her cup to the side of the coffee machine. “I’m making more coffee, and then we’re getting comfortable by the fire until we’re ready to start dinner.”
“Now that sounds like the perfect Christmas morning to me.” Rachel offered Andi a peck on the lips. “I’ll put some logs on. Meet you in there?”
Andi curled two fingers beneath Rachel’s chin. “I’ll be right behind you.”
* * *
Today was potentially too much for Rachel’s heart to take. Andi was amazing, Christmas had been like nothing she could have imagined, and now she lay between Andi’s legs on a mass of blankets and cushions in front of the fire. If someone had told Rachel she would one day be in this very position, she would have laughed in their face.
Because this didn’t happen to her.
Not Andi and not this all-consuming happiness.
White Christmas was playing on the TV, the fire crackled, and both of them were stuffed from dinner. The kitchen at the loft was beginning to make perfect sense to Rachel. Andi was one hell of a cook. She sighed, palming Andi’s thighs as Andi ran her fingers through Rachel’s hair. Was this the definition of perfect? It certainly felt that way. The longer Rachel lay here, the less she wanted to go home tonight. They hadn’t made any specific plans for this evening, but Rachel had already unexpectedly stayed over last night. She didn’t want Andi to feel suffocated.
Andi wrapped both arms around Rachel, shifting further down where she rested against the couch. The fleece beneath them felt soft and comforting, but it was Andi’s arms that left Rachel feeling emotional. They always felt safe, but a lot had changed for Rachel today. She couldn’t put her finger on exactly what or the point at which it happened, but the calmness Rachel felt wasn’t something she’d experienced before. It was a high…a weightlessness to her body.
Andi dipped her head and kissed below Rachel’s ear. “Mm?”