Page 80 of A Little Light
Andi lifted, shifted, and then straddled Rachel on the couch. “That sounds like a good idea to me.” As Rachel’s hands found Andi’s thighs, her nails dragging down the denim, Andi braced her hands on either side of Rachel’s head and leaned down into a kiss. “But for the rest of the evening, my sole focus is you.”
Chapter 25
Andi held a dress against her, eyeing herself in the full-length mirror in the corner of her bedroom. She had spent the last hour trying to decide on an outfit for tonight, still none the wiser. Today was New Year’s Eve, and she wanted to look good as she strolled around the city with Rachel. After all, they really did make a wonderful couple. Attractive, too, Andi had noticed recently.
She puffed out her cheeks and dropped to the edge of her bed. Andi needed to feel confident as she walked into The Hideout tonight. She wanted the room to notice her while showing Juliet that she wasn’t afraid to be at her bar, given the history between her and Rachel. Andi knew she had nothing to prove to anyone, but it was for her own self-confidence. Juliet was a strikingly beautiful woman.
“Andi?” The front door slammed shut as Rachel’s voice floated up the stairs. “Have you decided what you’re wearing yet?”
Andi sighed. “No. Can you come and help me?”
Rachel rushed up the stairs, her freshly applied eyelashes quite prominent. Andi had never been attracted to women who enhanced their appearance with eyelashes or whatever else they did to themselves, but Rachel was an exception. She smiled back at Andi, then scanned the various dresses strewn across the bed. “Babe, you could get away with wearing anything at all.”
“Thank you for saying that, but I want to get it right.”
Rachel studied Andi, her eyes narrowed. “Why…do you seem so frantic about it? You don’t usually have any issues with finding something to wear. We’re only going on a night out.”
“I know that.” Andi held up her other choice, wrinkling her nose. “I just can’t decide.”
“So long as you have something hot as hell on underneath it, either.” Rachel winked, then threw herself on Andi’s bed. Well, what little space she could fit her body into. “You’re not worried about going to The Hideout, are you?”
“Absolutely not. I just…want to look good for you.”
Rachel snorted. “You’re wearing jeans and a T-shirt, and you already look good. Trust me, I adore anything you choose to wear.”
“Again, thank you for saying that.” Andi hung both dresses on the back of the door, then slumped down beside Rachel. “I feel a bit…off about it all. Was I stupid to convince you to go to the bar?”
“Stupid? Why would you think that?” As Andi tried to find the right words, Rachel shifted on the bed behind her and draped her arms over her shoulders. She kissed Andi below the ear, smiling against her neck. “Talk to me, Andi. What’s going on?”
“Nothing is…going on. You said the bar was exclusive, members-only, and I’m not sure I have anything to wear that would suffice.”
“Babe, it’s just a bar that requires someone to press a button to let you in.”
“And…you used to be there with Juliet? You know, as her escort?”
Rachel smiled weakly. “Yeah.”
“So, people would recognise you there?” Andi wasn’t fond of this new feeling. Was it jealousy? Apprehension? She didn’t know.
“I mean, it’s possible. But we didn’t continue our client/escort relationship for very long once she opened the bar. Few weeks, if that. So, I doubt anyone would really remember me other than Paige and Juliet. Maybe that other server she hired. Cara.”
“Right. Okay.”
Andi’s phone started ringing where it rested on the bed. She could hear it, but she couldn’t see it. Likely because she had ten dresses hiding it. She skimmed her hand over the various materials, locating it beneath a navy blue dress she had ‘noped’ immediately.
“Hi, love. Only me. I know it’s really short notice, but me and Claire wondered if you and Rachel would like to join us for the new year…”
Andi chewed the inside of her cheek, resting back against Rachel. “We kind of have plans, but can I speak to Rachel and let you know?” Sally had lessened contact with Andi since Christmas Eve, but Andi had a feeling she was just embarrassed about her behaviour. It was nice to be invited over, but it purely depended on whether Rachel was ready to be in the same room as Sally or not.
“Of course. As I said, it’s short notice, but we’d love it if you could join us even just for a drink…maybe see in the new year together.”
Andi smiled. She would love that. “I’ll text you as soon as I’ve spoken to Rachel.”
“Okay, well, I hope to hear from you soon. Bye, love.”
Sally ended the call, leaving Andi with a decision to make. She could put herself through the uncertainty of The Hideout, or she could run Sally’s idea by Rachel.