Page 84 of A Little Light
Rachel reached a hand across the table, taking Kelly’s. “I’m happy for you.”
“I don’t know that it’ll go anywhere, but she’s great.” Kelly blushed, adding a sugar cube to her coffee. “I’m not getting ahead of myself.”
“You should get a membership for The Hideout. Juliet and Paige are hosting women only nights twice a month. You could bring…she along with you. Although, I am assuming this woman of yours has a name?”
“Anna. Her name is Anna.”
“Well, come along one evening with Anna.”
Kelly frowned. “Wait! I thought you and Andi were kind of avoiding the place because of the whole ‘Juliet broke my heart’ thing?”
Rachel snorted. “That was what I thought at the time, but Juliet actually did me a favour. Andi is who I want to be with, and Andi is who I’m in love with.”
“Damn right you are. I’ve never seen you so happy.”
Rachel had never felt so happy. Life with Andi was effortless while being exciting and beautiful all at once. “I know. And long may it continue.”
* * *
Andi forced her front door shut, slipping her heels off as she lowered her bag to the floor. She could really do with the weekend off, but that wasn’t likely given the current housing climate. She wasn’t sure she’d ever been so busy, but with one of her staff off on maternity leave, she was having to make do with what she had. Things would even out, they often did, but just one weekend to herself would be ideal. Burning herself out was never beneficial to anyone.
She locked the door, dragging her feet towards the kitchen. She heard the pots and pans, could smell the herbs and spices seeping through the closed kitchen door, and it only made her smile. Because it meant Rachel was here.
“In here, babe.”
Andi followed Rachel’s voice—even if she knew exactly where she was—and prepared herself for a relaxed evening. She opened the door, beaming a smile when Rachel stood at the stove. “Hi. I wasn’t sure if you’d be here or not.”
“Came straight over once I’d had coffee with Kelly. She says hi, by the way.”
“How is she? We really should see her more often.”
Rachel spun around and grinned. “Doubt that’ll be happening any time soon. She’s met someone, and judging by the look in her eyes, it’s going better than she claimed.”
“She has? Oh, that’s great news. Maybe…a double date on the horizon?”
Rachel crossed the kitchen and snaked an arm around Andi’s waist. “Maybe. If that’s something you’d like to do.”
“Oh, I love double dates. It’s like a night out with only people you can tolerate.”
Rachel studied Andi’s eyes, her fingertips stroking her back. “I mentioned them getting a membership for The Hideout.”
Andi’s brows rose at that. She couldn’t remember the number of times she’d tried to encourage Rachel there. Andi preferred quieter nights out and the bar seemed like the perfect place, even if they had only been there twice in the time they’d been together. “I’m surprised by that.”
“Why?” Rachel pulled back a little, frowning.
“Well, you don’t seem fond of the place.”
“I just think it’s time to get involved in that circle, you know? Hannah and Caz are great, Juliet and Paige are madly in love, and us…you know?”
“What exactly are we, Rachel?” Andi draped her arms over Rachel’s shoulders, swaying them slowly. Andi had been wanting to say a few things to her, to be sure they were on the same page, but it never seemed like the right time. But then Andi had to wonder if there was ever a right time. If she wanted to say something, why not just come out and say it? She’d never struggled before.
“We’re…us.” Rachel smiled. “And I really like who we are.”
Andi really liked who they were too. Actually, she loved it…loved Rachel. “Well, good.”
Rachel quickly unwrapped herself from Andi when the timer beeped on the oven. Andi wanted to continue, to keep Rachel against her, but it appeared dinner was almost ready. She rested back against the counter, watching Rachel do her thing.