Page 33 of Any Kind of Life
She rocked back in her chair, her hands clasped under her chin and her elbows propped up on the armrests. Yesterday could have gone an entirely different way when she’d brought up the social media issue. Paige had every right to question Juliet’s motives for being in Leeds, but she meant it when she’d told Paige that the social media comments had kicked her into visiting rather than being the sole reason. They’d worked through it pretty quickly, and Juliet felt lighter for it.
Her phone started to ring on her desk. It was a FaceTime call coming through.
It was Paige.
Juliet grabbed the device with both hands, answering the call as quickly as she could. When Paige’s face popped up on the screen—a little grainy—she smiled. “Hi, baby. I didn’t expect to hear from you.”
“I’m in my dressing room. I’m done for the night, so I thought I’d spend some time with you.” Paige frowned, leaning in closer to the screen. “Are you at the bar?”
“I am. I was just getting some updates from the contractor. I’ll be leaving soon.”
“Are you alone? Is Henry there with you?”
Juliet nodded. “Henry is outside.”
“Okay, good. I hate knowing you’re there alone. You really should be at home where I feel better knowing you’re safe.”
“I am safe, Paige. Nobody can get into the building, and Henry is sitting outside as always.”
Paige dragged a hand through her hair, sighing. “Fine. If you’re sure.”
“I am sure.” Juliet reached for the travel mug she’d brought with her, sipping her coffee. They didn’t need to discuss fears tonight. They’d done plenty of that recently. “How was the set tonight?”
“Great. I wasn’t really feeling it when we got here, but yeah…it ended up being really good. Maybe I should go on stage pissed off more often.”
Juliet leant in, propping her phone up against her computer screen. “Why were you pissed off? Is everything okay?”
“Soraya and I may have had cross words while we were on the bus. Nothing to worry about, though. It’s all okay now.”
Huh. Soraya was beginning to piss Juliet off too. She barely knew the woman, but something about her didn’t sit right in Juliet’s gut. “What happened, Paige?”
“She claimed that the whole social media thing was working in our favour. That the fans love it. And yeah, she’s right in that they do love putting two and two together and getting five, but I’m not into that. I’m not going to play along with something that’s not true for an image. I don’t need to do that, you know? People either like my stuff or they don’t. I’m not going to cater solely to the queer community to further my career. No way.”
“She said that?” Juliet’s brows rose.
“Mmhmm. Then she came to my hotel room once I’d checked in.”
Juliet’s stomach sank. Knowing Soraya was in close proximity to Paige…and alone, well, Juliet hated it. “Right.”
“She apologised. Realised that what she’d said wasn’t cool.”
Juliet appreciated Soraya’s apology, but that woman was still walking on very thin ice. “I’m glad she came to that realisation.”
“I’m so ready for this to be over.” Paige groaned, the layout of the room changing in the background as she lay down on the couch.
“I’m sorry. I really wish you were enjoying this more than you are.”
“No, I am. I just can’t deal with the unnecessary drama. I don’t want it in my life.”
Juliet smiled weakly. By going there yesterday, she suspected she’d added to that unnecessary drama Paige spoke of. “If I caused this, then I really am sorry, Paige.”
“You haven’t caused anything. You just opened my eyes to what was really going on because I like to bury my head in the sand.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that’s what you do. You simply prefer to work and leave it at the door, you know?”
“I am glad you showed up last night. I just wish we could have had more time together. I’m sitting in this dressing room alone when I could be at a hotel with you. But I know you need to be in Liverpool for the bar stuff. Still, it doesn’t make me miss you any less.”
“I know, baby. You’ll be home soon, though. Just focus on that.”