Page 38 of Any Kind of Life
“Well, this is a lovely surprise,” Juliet’s headlights flashed as she locked her car and leant in to kiss Paige. “I wasn’t expecting a call from you, but I’m very happy to see you.”
“You have my schedule. You knew I’d be in Manchester.” For someone who was dedicated to lists and planners, Juliet didn’t seem to keep up to date with where Paige was in the country.
With an arm wrapped around Paige’s waist, Juliet guided them to a seat outside the restaurant Paige had chosen. “I do. But I’ve stopped looking at it.”
“Why?” Paige frowned as they took a seat.
“Because then I can’t be tempted to drive to whatever city you’re playing in. I didn’t want to distract you in any way at all.”
Paige lifted a brow at that. While she understood that Juliet was busy, that didn’t mean Paige wouldn’t love to see her spontaneously. Honestly, it was all she wanted. Any second she could steal with Juliet…she would take. “You know you’re welcome to distract me whenever you feel like it.”
“Thank you for calling me. I was feeling a little bit lost this morning because I can’t be at the bar. I’m not sure I’d even get through the door with the number of workmen there. I even had Henry over for coffee.” Juliet reached her hand across the table, settling it over Paige’s. “How long are you here for?”
“In Manchester? Until tomorrow afternoon. Well, around midday.” Midday was the latest they could leave, but she would be spending the night in Manchester no matter what happened. And if she was lucky, Juliet would be here with her, too.
Juliet smiled. “That’s nice.”
“I have something to give to you.” Paige reached inside her jacket and took out an envelope. She knew this was all short notice, but Juliet was only fifty minutes from home. It wasn’t as though she was at the other end of the country. She handed it over and waited.
Juliet hooked her finger under the lip, apprehension written all over her face. “What is it?”
“Just open it, and you’ll see.”
Juliet slid the paper from the envelope, looking back up at Paige as she grinned. “This is for me? For tonight?”
Paige nodded. “Yep. Please say you can make it.”
“Of course I can. You know I’d love to be there.” Juliet beckoned Paige closer, landing a kiss on her lips. God, she missed everything about this woman. Even just being at a table with her was enough to remind Paige of everything she had back in Liverpool. This kind of love, the look in Juliet’s eyes, there was no mistaking how they felt about one another. “Thank you. I can’t wait.”
“You’ll be coming in with me. Soundcheck and whatnot.”
“Oh, Paige. I’m really looking forward to it.” Juliet relaxed her shoulders, smiling when a server came over to them. “Could we have a few more minutes?”
“Sure. I’ll come back.” He smiled and left the table.
Juliet looked back down at the ticket, shaking her head as she smiled. Paige could only watch her, appreciate the moments she had with Juliet, while reminding herself how incredibly lucky she was. “You okay, babe?”
“Yes. Of course. I just wasn’t expecting this.”
“I know it’s kind of spur of the moment, but I really wanted to see you. I wouldn’t have had much time to get home later and then back here by midday. So, I thought, why not bring you here instead?”
“Perfect. All of you is perfect.” Juliet reached out a hand and touched Paige’s cheek. “And we don’t have long to go, so this will definitely help me to deal with what time I have left without you.”
“You don’t have any idea how much I’m looking forward to unpacking and just lying in our bed. The more hotels I stay at, the more I’m counting down the days.”
Juliet shifted her seat closer and brought Paige’s hand into her lap. “Can I…stay with you tonight? It may just make the hotel bed bearable.”
Paige smirked as she squeezed Juliet’s hand. “I think that’s a very good idea. I knew I invited you along for a reason.”
“And I don’t know, maybe room service in the morning? Breakfast in bed?”
Paige couldn’t think of a better way to start the day. Especially with the knowledge that she would have to leave Juliet behind again. “Yes. Until I have no choice but to check out, I want to lie in bed with you.”
“This day is turning out to be quite something.”
“While we’re having lunch, I want updates on the bar.”
Juliet waved a hand as she picked up the menus and handed one to Paige. “Never mind the bar. This day is all about you and me.”