Page 87 of Any Kind of Life
Paige would let Juliet sleep for as long as she needed. That wasn’t an issue at all. She lifted herself up onto a stool at the island in the kitchen and watched every move Juliet made. “So, these plans we have today…”
Juliet turned with a cup of coffee and set it down in front of Paige. “What about them?”
“Well, are you going to tell me what we’re doing?”
“Oh! Of course.” Juliet laughed, lighting up what had been a very dark world lately. “We’re going to the bar.”
“What bar?” Paige didn’t really feel bar hopping today. She was still recovering from the copious amounts of wine with Hannah and Caz a few days ago.
“Our bar, Paige. The Hideout.”
Paige stared through Juliet. While she wanted to be there for her, to help her through the first time at the bar, Paige wasn’t sure either of them was ready for that. Yes, they had discussed using it as a venue for Edie’s birthday in a few weeks, but Paige had wondered if Juliet would actually go through with it. Juliet had only just managed a full night’s sleep. Wasn’t it a bit soon?
Juliet waved a hand in front of Paige. “Are you with me?”
“Y-yeah.” Paige lifted her coffee to her lips, wondering how best to approach this conversation. She didn’t want to put Juliet off the idea of going to the bar, but Paige didn’t know if she herself could actually walk through the door again yet. Even though she had been there to clean up, she had pushed the place right to the back of her mind since then. Some days, she forgot it existed.
“You…don’t think it’s a good idea, do you?”
“Honestly, I don’t know.” Paige lowered her cup and sighed. “Are you sure you’re ready to go back there?”
“I think having something to focus on while I’m there is going to help a lot. Edie’s birthday has to be perfect, and we’re going to make that happen.”
Paige loved Edie as though she was blood, she would do anything for the kid, but this was huge. Far bigger than any sixteenth birthday party. “I understand that, but maybe we should just head there and give it a moment before we decide we actually want to go inside. We don’t have to do it all today. It could be a bit…overwhelming.”
“I don’t doubt that. I’m actually expecting it.” Juliet took her watch from the small table close to the door and fixed it to her wrist. “But while I have the idea in my head, I’d like to tackle it now.”
“R-right. Well, if you’re sure?”
Juliet rounded the island and turned Paige on her stool. She stood between Paige’s legs, smiling down at her. “I am sure. But something tells me you’re not.”
Just be honest with her… “I don’t know if I can go inside again. Not yet.”
“And that’s okay, Paige.” Juliet feathered her thumb across Paige’s bottom lip, her touch so soft. “I don’t want you to do anything you’re not ready for.”
“I just…can’t get that image out of my head. I try, but sometimes I try so hard that it just becomes more and more vivid.”
“Hey,” Juliet whispered as she took Paige’s hand and placed it on her chest. “It’s working. It’s beating. I’m here, okay?”
“God, I know. I feel like the luckiest person in the world to still have you here.” Paige wrapped her arms around Juliet’s waist. She would never take any of these little moments for granted again. “I can try. For you.”
Juliet shook her head. “No. If you’re not ready, you’re not ready. I’d never expect you to go inside the bar if it’s not what you want.” Juliet drew Paige into a kiss, smiling against her lips. “I’ll be okay. We’re doing this for Edie, so I have to be okay.”
Whoa. Hold on! Juliet was going to the bar alone? No, not in this lifetime.
“I’ll go there and check on the place. Maybe order some stock in. Though, I don’t think we need any stock since the place never had the chance to reopen.”
“I…don’t think so. You’re not going there alone. No way.”
Juliet exhaled a frustrated sigh as she stepped away from Paige. “I have to go there at some point, Paige. I don’t want to wait any longer when I feel ready today.”
Paige slid from her stool and took her coffee cup. She turned for the bedroom, prepared to put her own shit to one side so she could be there for Juliet. “I’ll shower. I won’t be long.”
She turned. “Yeah?”
“Don’t do this if you’re not ready.” Juliet’s dark eyes gazed back at her. “Please.”