Page 91 of Any Kind of Life
Juliet had to agree. When she had given Hannah a job with her, she didn’t know the first thing about Caz, but as they’d all grown closer, it was hard to believe that Caz hadn’t actually raised Edie from birth. It was so beautiful to see. “She does.”
Juliet watched Paige, noting the faraway look in her eyes. Paige shook her head lightly and focused on their hands. It was quite clear that she had something on her mind. One hundred percent.
“Are you okay?”
“Me? Yeah.” Paige smiled. “Just remembered something Hannah and Caz said while you were in the hospital.”
Juliet’s brows drew together. “What did they say?”
“Oh, nothing.” Paige toyed with Juliet’s fingertips, the faintest hint of a smile on her lips. “It was just a throwaway comment, really.”
“Paige.” Juliet dipped her head, stilling Paige’s hand when she turned her own over and held it. “Talk to me. What did they say?”
“Just that I’d be a good parent. That…we’d be good parents.”
Juliet’s heart jumped a little as she studied Paige’s beautiful face. She would certainly make adorable children. Juliet’s dream had been children, a wife, and a beautiful home filled with love. Was…Paige about to offer that dream to her? “And what did you think about that?”
“Like I said to them, it’s not something I ever thought about. James…was never the person I wanted to raise a family with. I’m not sure the idea of kids even entered my mind when I was married to him.”
“But do you want to raise a family?” Juliet asked, her throat dry with anticipation. “With someone else?”
“I’ll say the same thing I said to Hannah and Caz.” Paige leaned in and kissed the back of Juliet’s hand. “If I was given the chance to have a family with you, I’d do it in a heartbeat.”
Tears pricked Juliet’s eyes as she stared back at Paige. The noise in the restaurant died away, just the two of them in this moment. Was it possible that Juliet was really about to start living the life she’d always wanted? Surely, she wasn’t that lucky.
“But it’s not something we’ve ever talked about.”
Juliet felt a world of emotion swell in her stomach. While their relationship had been perfect for some time now, this conversation changed everything. Juliet felt…at peace. Truly at peace. “Would you like to talk about it?”
Paige chewed the inside of her cheek, her right eye slightly narrowed. Juliet suspected she was worried about having the conversation for fear of their future plans not matching up. “Yes. But I need it to not change anything if we see different things, okay? I don’t crave children; it’s not something that’s a deal breaker for me. If you don’t want that in the future, then I’m okay with that. I can live with it.”
“Paige.” Juliet wasn’t close enough. She moved from her seat to the one on the right of Paige and took both of her hands in her lap. “All I’ve ever wanted in life is a wife and children. All I dreamed about as I came home from work night after night…was to wake up in someone’s arms and have a purpose beyond courtrooms and prisons. To make breakfast for the people that I love. Big and small people.” Juliet lifted a hand and held Paige’s chin. “It would be an honour to have children with you.”
“Y-you mean that?” Paige seemed shocked, but Juliet had never been more certain about anything in life. “You’re not just saying it because you think you’ll lose me?”
“No, baby.” God, was this what true happiness felt like? It wasn’t that Juliet wasn’t already deliriously happy with Paige, she was, but this would just take that happiness to a new level. A level that Juliet had imagined to be unobtainable. Until now. “I think that after the shit we’ve been through, we deserve one hell of a happy ending.”
The server approached with their drinks, clearing her throat as she set them down on the table. “Sorry to interrupt. I’ll…just leave your drinks here.”
Juliet beamed a smile at her. It was the very same woman who had greeted Juliet on arrival. Only now…Juliet wasn’t ‘that woman’ anymore. No, she was a new person just from this conversation. “Thank you.” She turned and left the table, giving Juliet the opportunity to focus back on Paige again. Neither of them said anything, but Paige’s eyes had a brightness in them that she hadn’t seen for a long time. “You’re my world, Paige. You always will be.”
Paige blinked back tears as she repeatedly swallowed. “I never knew this kind of happiness existed until I met you. Everything I went through with James was worth it to have this at the end of such a horrific marriage.”
Juliet tucked Paige’s hair behind her ear and smiled. “You and I have so many memories to make together. Soon, you won’t even remember a time when you were married to him.”
“You erase it a little bit more every day.” Paige closed her eyes and exhaled a shaky breath. Juliet reached for their drinks, handing Paige’s over to her once she was back in the room, and clinked their glasses together.
“To us, Paige.”
“Always to us.”
Chapter 32
Paige strode around the apartment, feeling like an entirely different person. Dinner last night had been quite intense but in all the best ways possible. Juliet…wanted kids. While it was true that Paige didn’t see it as a deal breaker—it couldn’t possibly be—she had no idea how much it would change their relationship. They’d only discussed it briefly, but everything did feel different.
She held her coffee cup in both hands, stopping at the window. It was raining today, it had been since the middle of the night, but she didn’t care. Nothing could bring her mood down, and if she had her way, it would mean a day spent curled up with Juliet. Those were the days she always wished for. No interruptions, time alone with one another…and love. Monumental amounts of love.
“Good morning,” Juliet spoke from behind Paige, her voice soft and warm. “Is there any coffee left?”